F O U R : L O V E F O R G O T T E N

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A/N: VOTE AND COMMENT LOVELIES <3 It helps keep my story up high on the ratings and suggestion chart ;)

So last chapter left off on a cliff hanger, my apologies ^_^ here's the explanation for that statement from Merlin. Geez Merlin, just what did you do?

———F O U R : L O V E  F O R G O T T E N

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F O U R : L O V E F O R G O T T E N

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until is has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being—John Joseph Powell - The Secrets of Staying in Love


Shock. Shock can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.

"It's my fault you have no recollection of Katarina or what happened in those short months you knew of her existence," one of my oldest friends, a mentor, and at times someone I'd come to for fatherly advice, openly admits to me as if it's simply no big deal.

My mouth is agape and my eyes are burning, not just from the tears but the fact I haven't blinked. I force myself to close my eyes, furrorwing my brows, and shake my head.

"What are you talking about Merlin? Explain, please...." I beg with a whisper and open my eyes.

Kat and the Father are silent and staring at me but I'm scared to look at their faces. Scared to see the pity in their eyes as I learn of the betrayal of my friend. How could losing some memories from 20 years ago be his fault?

Merlin lowers his head and I can tell he's uncomfortable, unsure even of where to start. Should've thought of that before you blurted out that my lack of memories was in fact, your fault. He sighs, takes another deep breath and finally begins.

"No matter how you're feeling right now, or if you end up hating me for what I did, just know, I did it for your own good." I don't like the sound of that. It makes me feel like I'm in the process of being grounded and having my favorite toy taken away as a means to teach me a lesson. For my own good? I smirk at his words and roll my eyes.

Great, Kat is rubbing off on me. Probably not the best time.

"After Thomas and Mary were killed, it was decided to take Katarina somewhere where she would be safe. She wasn't safe staying with your family and many of Thomas's enemies knew of his close relationship with the Azazel's. We knew they'd attack the estate eventually if she were to stay there. As a half human baby, she was an easy target."

"You had already been harmed during the attack at the Fitzgerald residents, and were in the medical wing healing from your wounds. Your mother couldn't bare the thought of you being harmed again. So finally a plan was set up between Lucius, Father Samuel, and myself to have her brought here in secret. Only the three of us knew of the arrangement."

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