T W E N T Y - O N E : U N E X P E C T E D

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T W E N T Y - O N E : U N E X P E C T E D

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly—Richard Bach


The sound of laughter fills the kitchen as I cook dinner. Joseph is excitedly explaining to Dante a fight scene in his anime show that he watched earlier while Dante was out with Jax, hunting for more information on Jason.

I don't care what Dante says, he's getting into this stuff. We had spent all of last weekend watching Joseph's favorite, Avatar: The Last Airbender, so that Dante wasn't completely lost when we'd reference it in conversation.

We recently started watching one of my favorite anime's about a girl that goes back in time to feudal era of Japan and meets a young Dog Demon. Joseph had said it was like Dante and me because she has spiritual power, like magic, and Dante is a Demon.

"I'm not a dog!" he had complained. "If I could be compared to anyone in this show, it would be that perverted monk," he grinned and squeezed my side, knowing I'd get the reference.

It had already been a week since I moved in. I use to think I'd never like living with someone else, especially a man, but I love it. I love waking up every morning and going to bed every night in Dante's arms. Making meals for all three of us and spending downtime together makes it feel like we are a family.

"It was so funny Dad, I wish you could have watched it with me," Joseph's smile slowly fades and he looks down at his hands. Dante notices and puts his hand softly on Joseph's shoulder.

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry. I know I've been really busy lately, but I promise you that things will be normal again and I'll be able to spend more time with you," he gives Joseph a reassuring smirk and glances at me. I give him a sympathetic small smile and quickly turn back towards the food because I feel my eyes start to burn from the tears that are wanting to fall.

I've been so emotional lately and I don't know why. I'm still exhausted as ever too. I haven't had another nightmare since I've moved in but by dinner time I'm ready to pass out.

As I pour the chicken and vegetables into the skillet and stir them, the front door opens to reveal Jax and Nadine walking in. Joseph jumps off his stool and runs to Jax as he's picked up into Jax's awaiting arms. He's really taken to Jax and looks up to him just like he does his dad.

Nadine smiles at her fiancé bonding with his nephew and walks over to me to give me a loving hug. When she takes a step back, she looks at me skeptically and quickly shakes her head as if to wash away a thought. I give her a curious look but turn back to the food in front of me.

I stir the contents of our dinner in the skillet, the chicken is no longer pink so I grab the teriyaki sauce. While pouring it in, the smell hits my nose and I nearly vomit. What the hell? This happened yesterday morning too when I smelt the toast Joseph had accidentally burnt. I put my hand to my mouth and give an apologetic glance towards Nadine. She eyes me with concern and glances over at Dante who's thankfully paying no attention.

"I need some air," I mumble behind my hand and walk out of the kitchen.

"Jax, tend to dinner. I'll be right back," I hear Nadine say as soon as I walk away.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, concerned lacing his voice.

"Yes, just girl talk. We will be right back," she laughs and follows me outside.

When the cool breeze hits my face I feel better. I sit on the first step of the porch and lay my forehead on my knees. I don't know why I'm so nauseated lately. Maybe it's the flu? I usually don't get sick but I have been under a lot of stress lately.

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