Part 3

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a/n what happens when you get three gay men with three brain cells between them in one room? find out here!
also araki makes shit up about hamon all the time so i will too. Also this chapter is... a little more risque and sort of implies alcoholism (for mr wagon), and it's probably the longest one yet
we wrote this is in a fit at 11 pm listening to bloody stream and the pillar men theme

JoJo later mused that he never should've told Speedwagon they would "meet up" with Zeppeli. He always found them.

JoJo and Speedwagon were walking along a beautiful road in the midst of a beautiful day, and JoJo was quite enjoying himself. He felt that ever since Dio happened he'd had very little time to just talk with his best friend, as they did now.

And maybe he shouldn't have let his guard down, because he and Zeppeli had been working on it for ages. But to be fair, he was in the company of Speedwagon and he didn't want to be distracted.

Jojo registered the crackling noise behind him far too late. He swiveled around, sinking into a fighting stance, but again he was too late. Next thing he knew, a Hamon-infused kick just tapped him on the forehead. But the Hamon was enough to send him flying a good few meters, before finally managing to flip onto his feet and halt his trajectory.

Hanging from a tree above the path was Zeppeli, right next to Speedwagon laughing his ass off.

Zeppeli dropped to the ground, dusting off the brim of his stupid hat (what was with Jojo's friends and dumb hats?). "Good morning, Jonathan," he said. "You must be on your guard all the time, or a surprise will have your breathing all over the place." Then his gaze softened. "Are you alright?"

Jojo got to his feet, brushing off his pants. "I'm alright," he said. "Good morning to you too. Speedwagon, quit laughing."

Speedwagon wiped a tear from his eyes. "Oh, that was really fucking funny," he gasped. He coughed, stopping his coughing, and then he seemed to almost turn green. "Ohhhhh, I forgot how hungover I am."

"Good morning to you too, are you okay?" Zeppeli asked.

Speedwagon shrugged.

Jojo supplied, "He got completely black-out drunk last night."

"Ah, I see." Zeppeli nodded sagely. Then, with a flourish of his coattails, he pointed down the trail and declared, "Well then sir, rest well as Jonathan and I train!"

He sauntered away. Speedwagon turned and gave Jojo a look of See?

Jojo sighed. "Okay, okay, whatever, maybe he's kind of weird. Let's go."

Robert took Zeppeli's words to heart as the other two men trained.

They were training by a waterfall- how cliche! Around the basin of the waterfall, the banks were soft and sandy and warmed by the sun. Robert found it quite agreeable, and while Jonathan and Zeppeli were doing whatever-the-fuck they did to train for Hamon, he napped off his hangover against a tree. And of course, when he was awake he was yelling at Jonathan from the sidelines and making fun of him as any friend should.

Halfway through the day, Zeppeli and Jonathan took a break. Zeppeli sat on the banks, a notebook and pencil in hand, sketching some strange waterbugs. Robert took no notice of it, he'd seen Zeppeli do it many, many times.

Standing knee-deep in the water, Jonathan offered his hand to Robert and gestured at the water. "Want to come in?" he asked.

It was probably worth mentioning that Zeppeli had not told Jonathan or Robert that they were going to swim so neither of them had brought swimming suits. Jonathan was in his underthings and Robert realized that it meant he would have to strip too.

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