lurinyumark is love.

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( basically nct 2018's 99-line being squad goals. )


In the midst of an episode Venus Diaries, the group was split so they could do a bit of shopping with money that was given to them at the beginning of the day by their managers.

Yujin and Rin thought they would be able to last the day with 100,000 won between the two of them. But that didn't go so well.

Before they could buy some ice cream, they realised that they had used all of their allowance for the day earlier at the arcade when they were obsessed with winning a cute sushi plush in a claw machine.

My ice cream...❞ Yujin pouted and Rin sadly pulled her away from the direction of the ice cream store.

Luckily for them, before all hope was lost, they miraculously bumped into Mark and Johnny who were filming for 'Hot & Young Seoul Trip'.

And after much pleading on Yujin and Rin's side and losing a game of paper, scissors, rock game to Johnny, Mark ended up buying the most expensive ice creams for the two girls.

R.I.P Mark Lee's wallet, empty but never forgotten.


Rin, being the shortest of NCT, would alway be required to wear heels so that she didn't stick out as much during performances. It was the curse of being in a group of so many tall girls.

But even though she looked taller, it did nothing for her comfort.

Lucas, who noticed her obvious discomfort, approached her as she sat all alone, staring at her aching feet. He knelt down in front of her with his back towards facing her, causing her to look at him in confusion.

What are you doing?

You're feet are hurting, right?❞ Rin looked down in guilt of worrying Lucas and nodded weakly. ❝I'll carry you to the dressing rooms, and we can tell the stylists to give you more comfortable shoes.


Rin started to sneeze quite a few times in a V Live with the rest of the 99' liners (Lucas, Yujin and Mark) and though her cold wasn't so obvious before, it definitely was now.

Rin hid her sickness fairly well from fans by saying it was hay fever allergies, but Lucas, Mark and Yujin could tell otherwise.

So, after seeing Rin rub her arms for warmth, Lucas excused himself for a while.

I'll be back.

When he did, he brought at thick blanket with him and then spread it over the legs of all four of them on the couch.

The air conditioning is really strong here in the dorms, so I brought a blanket for us to share.

Ironically enough, the air conditioning wasn't on at all. In fact it was the heater that was on, making the dorm incredibly warm. And though they were sure they would burn alive from the added heat from the blanket, Mark and Yujin went along with Lucas' lie.

As long as Rin was warm and the fans weren't worried, a bit of sweat wouldn't bother them.


During the behind the scenes of 'GO', Haechan and Yujin were bickering back and forth (like usual) in a light-hearted argument that ended up with them jokingly pushing each other.

But push came to shove fairly quick when Renjun was added to the mess, and Yujin wasn't ready for it at all.

She was about to walk away when Haechan was pushed into her, knocking her over. Mark who was already walking towards them, ran like his life depended on it and was able to catch Yujin before she could fall to the floor.

Renjun and Haechan panicked and burst into apologies to Yujin who simply brushed it off with a smile. Mark, however, couldn't let go of the situation so easily.

Can't you guys be a little less reckless?❞ He asked, with a hint of annoyance that none of the Dreamies were used to hearing from their leader. ❝Don't let this happen again. Got it?


NCT Venus visited Ukraine during the NCT U 'Boss' filming dates, and both the groups (minus Luna who was a minor at the time) got together for some drinks.

Rin, being one of the youngest, wasn't so used to alcohol and was out from the very beginning. Slowly, she rested her head on Lucas who sat next to her and stared off into space before eventually drifting off into sleep.

Lucas looked at her and pat her head for a second before continuing to talk to Jungwoo, while also trying his best not to disturb Rin as she slept.

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