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   Emily Winchester had not been at Derry Highschool for less than three days before she was stirring up trouble

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   Emily Winchester had not been at Derry Highschool for less than three days before she was stirring up trouble. Her father made her promise to keep her head down and stay out of any confrontation, but when Emily had witnessed the atrocious acts committed by Henry Bowers, it seemed that keeping her head down was impossible.

   Derry Highschool was a school ranging from grades 7-12, it was also a place in Emily's opinion, where dreams quite literally went to die. The Winchester girl had never been to a school as horrible as Derry High, and she had been to a lot of schools in her time.

   It seemed that the hallways were filled with only two types of children. The 'prey and the predators' as she put it. The predators seemed to be the worst type of children, the mean ones who bullied the 'prey'. Now, the prey did not seem so bad in personality; however, the predator children only appeared to want to make the lives of the prey living hell.

   The second John had dropped Emily off at the Townhouse, the girl had immediately taken it upon herself to purchase her own ride for the next four months. At first she considered getting herself a bicycle; however, a bicycle was not really her speed.

   Now, a dirt bike, on the other hand, she could deal with that. It may have not been her father's badass Chevy Impala, but it was a badass dirt bike, and that was enough for Emily Winchester.

   Of course, on her first day, a girl pulling up on a dirt bike tended to attract attention. Almost every single student who was in the schoolyard stared at the new girl who showed up literally a month before summer.

   Not to mention the clothing the new girl wore on her first day. Unlike most teenage girls, Emily Winchester did not show up wearing a pretty dress with a face caked of makeup. No, Emily Winchester showed up wearing the same outfit she always wore.

   Jeans, a red flannel, and to top it all off, converse hightops. 'Practical but stylish,' as Emily always worded it. Although, what it really was to catch everyone's eye was that godforsaken hair on her head.

   Yes, big hair was in, but Jesus motherfucking Christ, how was it possible to get such large curls? Was that even natural? Those were thoughts running through most of the student's brains as Emily strolled casually up to the doors of the office, a large taunting smile on her lips.

   Her lightning eyes darted around the campus, drinking in anything and everything.

  'Yes,' Emily had thought to herself in disdain at all the apprehensive looks she was receiving. 'These last five weeks of school are going to be hell.'

   It was in the middle of Emily's third day at Derry Highschool when the inevitable finally happened. Emily Winchester witnessed the bullshit that was Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Vic Criss, and Belch Higgins.

   The four teenagers who made up the Bowers Gang. All four of them were freshman alike to Emily Winchester, in fact, Emily even shared a math class with Vic Criss. The Bowers Gang tended to harass and bully the underclassmen from the junior high section of the school along with the 'nerds' in their freshman year.

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