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Bill frowned from where he sat upon the public bench. Looking at his wristwatch he sighed, Beverly was supposed to meet him at the park over twenty minutes ago. She was rarely ever late.

Knowing Beverly was rarely late, fear blossomed in Bill's chest. Picking up his bike which he had named "Silver", he quickly pedaled in the direction that Beverly lived.

"Hi Ho, Silver away," Bill mumbled to himself as he sped through the sidewalks leading to Beverly's street.

It had been a rough week, he missed his friends. Thoughts of Georgie had become unbearable and as much as he hated admitting it, he was slowly coming to terms with the fact that Pennywise probably did not keep his little brother alive.

Bill knew he was in the wrong when he punched Richie over what he said last week, but the anger that he had felt when Richie said his little brother was dead was horrible. Perhaps it was only so bad because deep within himself, Bill knew Richie was right. His little brother was dead and there was nothing he could do about.

Despite the sadness that came with the death of his little brother, there was also inexplicable rage. Bill was hungry for revenge, and that revenge would come in the form of that clown dying.

Bill had gotten to Beverly's house within ten minutes and was quite horrified when he saw her front door left ajar. Pushing it open, Bill walked inside the small apartment, his eyes taking in the destroyed appearance of Beverly's living room.

"Beverly!" Bill shouted in worry, not caring whether or not her father was home.

All he cared about was finding the girl who he had been in love with since the third grade. Walking through the hallway which he knew led to her room, Bill came upon the sight of Beverly's father; Alvin Marsh, lying dead on the bathroom floor.

A pool of blood surrounded his head, the man looking as if he had been dead for a few hours. Bill began hyperventilating, slamming the door to Beverly's room open, hoping to God that she was safe.

Beverly's room was in a rather organized and clean state other than huge letters written in blood sprawling across her wall.

'You die if you try.' Was written across her walls.

   Bill's vision begun to swim with tears at the thought of the clown taking Beverly.

"Beverly!" Bill cried, turning and racing to the kitchen of the small apartment.

The Denbrough boy wasted no time in gripping the landline, dialing all of his friend's numbers. The only one who did not answer was Richie, as it was his mother who answered and told Bill that he was at the arcade. Bill did not know Emily's number, but he had her motel room number and an extra key, so he figured after he got the rest of the Loser's, they would stop by her place on the way to picking up Beverly.

All of his friends immediately agreed to come once they heard that Beverly was taken, Mike even saying he would bring the captive bolt pistol from the slaughterhouse at the farm. They would meet up at the park where he had been supposed to meet Beverly earlier that day. All Bill had to do was pick up Richie first.

As Bill rode "Silver" toward the arcade, he grew nervous. Richie was the one he had punched, and he knew that a simple apology would not be enough to fix the damage he had caused. But then again, Bill hoped his friendship with Richie was strong enough to allow the bespectacled boy to forgive him. Richie had always had Bill's back as Bill had his. Even if he was upset, Richie would not let Bill face the demon-clown without him.

When Bill ran into the colorful arcade, his eyes were quick to spot Richie playing his favorite game, "Street Fighter". The boy was pressing buttons faster than light, his eyes moving with each and every move made by his two-dimensional character.

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