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"So everything is going good then, you have a lead?" It was John Winchester's voice which drifted through the call, Emily holding the phone up to her ear.

The line of the phone was stretched from the nightstand to across the room as Emily stood with the cap of a bright red marker in her mouth, staring at her investigative chart. For the first time in what felt like a long while, Emily had come up with a lead.

When she first noticed it, Emily was convinced she was just seeing things. However, when she checked it over once more and saw that is was real, she nearly screamed in joy. Sitting right under the town of Derry was a huge sewage system, so big that it ran the entire length of Derry, Maine.

Emily had never seen anything like it and believed that she never again would. The sewage lines seemed to run under every single business, building, and home, all of them meeting up smack in the middle at one place in particular. The house on Neibolt street.

The house on Neibolt street was an old house that Emily passed by regularly. The house itself in Emily's opinion was crusty and falling apart at the seams. Not to mention creepy.

Using the marker in her hand, Emily brought her right hand to the map drawing a huge red circle at the house on Neibolt street. Once she was satisfied with the obvious circle, Emily finally answered her father. "Yep," She said with a grin, popping the cap of the marker out of her mouth. "It's a strong lead too." She piped, hearing John sigh.

"Okay," He said, though his voice sounded disbelieving. "Well, Dean and I are about to head out to take care of a ghost haunting, I'll call you in a few days." Emily could hear the underlying worry in her father's tone, knowing that John was stressed out with her being so far away.

John was a careful man, and the last thing he wanted was his daughter getting hurt because he allowed her to go on a hunt by herself. It would be one thing if she was an adult, but she was not. At the end of the day, Emily was fifteen and just ending the ninth grade, she was still a kid.

"M'kay..." Emily hummed, stepping back and looking over her entire chart once more. "Love you, daddy."

"Love you too, baby. Stay safe and call uncle Bobby if you need anything." John urged.

Bobby Singer was a veteran hunter and a good friend of John Winchester's. He lived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but always assisted John on a hunt when he needed. He was rather close with Dean, Emily, and Sam as well, serving as their only uncle figure. Back when Emily and Dean were younger and the hunts were more dangerous, John would leave them at Bobby's house while he went.

Because John did not have an actual phone other than the ones from the motel he stayed in, if Emily was to need any help, she was supposed to call Bobby Singer as he would be able to either get in touch with a hunter close to Derry or come down himself.

"Got it," Emily said, hanging up the phone.

With a sigh, Emily rubbed her forehead, moaning at the pounding headache that was coming on. All these sleepless nights she had been having the past few weeks in favor of delving further into her case had not been affecting the girl well.

Headaches were now a common instance for her. That along with randomly falling asleep during the day because she was becoming so sleep deprived. Emily, though, was a tough girl. A little drowsiness would not falter her.

"What the hell kind of a monster would hide in the sewers rather than the forest?" Emily said the question out loud as she reached for the bottle of Advil that was sitting on the dresser.

This question had been plaguing her for days on end. Derry was surrounded by a thick forest, any normal monster would have jumped at the chance to inhabit the forest. But this monster, whatever it was obviously preferred the confines of the smelly-ass sewers.

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