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'This movie is boring!' Jungkook threw a handful of buttered popcorn at Taehyung, who had been sipping on his coke and enjoying the movie.
Taehyung glanced at his friend, cocking his head. 'What was that for?'
Jungkook threw some again, one bouncing off of Taehyung's nose. He scrunched his face, shaking his head to get rid of the popcorn that had gotten stuck in his brunette locks.
'I'm-bored.' Jungkook dragged out his words, leaning across Taehyung, who was now holding the bucket of popcorn far away from Jungkook's reach.
   'Jungkook,' he whined, pressing a hand on the side of his friends face to push him away. 'Let me watch the movie. We paid good money for this.'
    Jungkook through his head back, groaning as he sat properly in his seat again, his bottom lip jutted out slightly as his eyes fixated on the movie he was forced to watch.
    Not too long after, the movie had ended and Taehyung had expected Jungkook to tell out 'Finally!' And leap out of his seat, but he didn't. He was silent, his usual bright eyes looked dull and his bunny smile had disappeared.
    'Kook?' Taehyung lightly nudged his friend in the arm with his, jostling Jungkook slightly. 'You okay?'  He asked, peering into the young ones eyes.
     Jungkook nodded slowly only to stop himself by bringing a hand to his head, wincing slightly.
    Taehyung brought a hand out to steady him, arms on either side of him, worry painted all over his face. 'Jungkook, what's wrong?'
     Jungkook waved his friend off, beginning to walk ahead of him and out of the movie theatre. 'It's just a little headache,' he mumbled, hands deep into his pockets with his head hung low. 'It'll go away soon.'
Taehyung jogged to catch up to his friend, placing a hand on his arm. 'I'll drive.'
'No,' Jungkook shook his arm off of him, shaking his head, wincing again as he patted his pockets for the car keys. 'I can drive. I'm feeling just fine.'
Taehyung stopped him again. 'Look at yourself! Your eyes are red, you look like you just walked out of a grave! You're unwell, let me take you to a hospital.'
Taehyung helped Jungkook into his seat, making sure to secure the seat belt around his body.
'Tae,' Jungkook groaned, leaning his head against the cool glass window. 'Just take us home, I'll have some medicine and go to bed. It'll go away.'
Taehyung thought otherwise. He always worried too much about Jungkook. His heart would race at the thought of Jungkook being ill. 'You need a-'
The boy in the seat cut him off. 'Just take me home. Please.'
Taehyung stayed silent, nodding, even though Jungkook couldn't see him. He had scrunched his eyes shut, two hands pressed firmly against his forehead.
When Jungkook felt sick, Taehyung felt worse. Incompetent. As if he couldn't do anything to help him, only make things worse. Seeing him in such a state pained Taehyung more than he thought it would.
He hated the thought of Jungkook hurting, and wished he could take it all for himself.



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