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*warning, sensitive content

Jungkook laid in the stiff hospital bed, his natural golden skin has sunken in tone to something so lifeless that it scared Taehyung just to look at him.
Wires were sticking out from multiple areas on his body, hooked up to medications and machines. His eyes would occasionally flutter open, showing his brown orbs, usually filled with light but now dull.
     His heart was being monitored, the monotonous beeping of the machine was the only thing that kept Taehyung company at this moment, besides Jungkook's still body.
    Taehyung gripped his hand around Jungkook's, his fingers locked together with his. He didn't care that if Jungkook were to wake up at this moment that he would find it odd that his best friend had been holding his hand. Taehyung only cared that the boy he was in love with would wake up and everything would go back to normal.
     Jungkook would wake up every morning with a bunny grin and cheerful eyes, his dark curly locks would be sticking up in all places and Taehyung would stare in awe at him, wondering how someone could be so beautiful having just woke up.
Jungkook would ask what their plans for the day would be before he headed in to have a quick cold shower, to wake up his body while Taehyung would prepare breakfast, as he preferred to bathe before bed.
Taehyung screwed his eyes shut, hanging his head low as he knew that they could not go back to the way they were. Not since Taehyung first started to notice the symptoms of an illness, being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and now Jungkook, nose bleeds, migraines and fainting out of the blue.
They were two sick souls, two sick best friends, and Taehyung only hoped that Jungkook would recover soon from what was making him ill.
     The boy in the bed whispered softly, mumbling incoherent words. Taehyung immediately say forward, arching over Jungkook's body to peer into his face, hoping that the boy would open his eyes.
     Jungkook settles again, his head lulling to the side, giving Taehyung a full view of his face.
      His cheeks had hollowed out, sunken in, the dark hues under his eyes made it look like he had had no sleep at all, and maybe he hadn't. His usually glowy skin was now dull and lifeless. His lips were pale, dry and chapped.
    Jungkook would hate how he was looking right now. He would immediately ask Taehyung for some lip balm if he were awake, or at least some lotion for his skin or hands.
    Taehyung smiled sadly at the boy. He would trade anything and everything to take away the pain Jungkook was going through.
But what about your pain? A voice in his head asked. Who will take away your pain?
Taehyung pushed the thoughts to the back of his head, hating that he sounded selfish at a time like this. Taehyung's illness was incurable, and sooner or later, he would no longer be walking the earth. He hated the fact that this had to happen to him, maybe he was allowed to be selfish. Maybe he was allowed to want to live. After all, he was only young, just starting his journey in life. He had never gotten to travel the world like he wanted, never got to pursue his music career, never got to have his first kiss, never got to be loved back.
As selfish as it sounded, Taehyung felt as if he deserved to get to experience all those things. He often wondered what he did in his past life to have to die so early in the next.
   Maybe he had been a bad person, selfish, spoiled, ungrateful. But in this life, the only thing he wanted to be selfish about was him; Jungkook. He would do anything to spend the rest of his life with him, even just as best friends.
Just tell him. The voice nagged him, weighing down on his shoulders like a heavy barbell.
    Taehyung shook his head, as if he could shake away the voice. He didn't want to tell Jungkook in fear of Jungkook never speaking to Taehyung ever again. But he also wanted to tell him before his time on earth was up.
    And then he was reminded of his slow heart beat pounding in his chest, like a bomb about to go off, like a clock ticking away it's minutes. Taehyung might as well have had only a few minutes to live compared to healthier people.
     He knew that he should have felt grateful for living up until now, but apart of him was scared, deeply scared of life after death. What would there be? Was there even a life after death? Was there a heaven or hell, and if there was, where would he end up? Would Jungkook be there, or would he find someone else to love, or would he be alone?
Numerous thoughts mulled through his brain, attacking him at any chance he got, leaving him unable to have even a short moment of peace with himself. He would spend the rest of his days in fear and regret.
'Excuse me, Sir, are you his guardian?' A female voice broke through Taehyungs thoughts. He looked up at the nurse wearing deep blue coloured scrubs, her dark hair tightly pinned back at the back of her head.
Taehyung nodded slowly. 'We're house mates.'
The nurse looked confused. 'He doesn't have family here?'
He swallowed, taking a glance at Jungkook. 'He hasn't spoken to them in years.'
'I see,' the nurse hummed before she pressed a small smile. 'May we speak outside?'
    Taehyungs heart jumped into his throat out of fear that there may be something seriously wrong with Jungkook. His hands became clammy and he hastily wiped them in the front of his jeans as he stood up and followed after the lady in blue, who had been waiting for him outside the door, a doctor that Taehyung didn't recognise stood beside her.
     The doctor had spectacles pushed high up her nose, red lipstick stained her lips and red hair caressed her the frame of her face.
    Once her eyes landed on Taehyung, she smiled, how ever her eyes were sad.
     'Hello, I'm Doctor Howard. You're Jungkooks guardian?' She introduced kindly, eyes scanning over Taehyungs face.
    He nodded for what felt like the hundredth time, his neck had begun to grow sore from all the nodding he had been doing, but he couldn't find it in himself to speak a word.
    'I'm sure you've noticed that Mr Jeon has been feeling unwell recently; migraines, nose bleeds, fevers and often feeling weak as well. We've ran a few tests and checked his blood, he's been on the heart monitor for almost three days now. I've also had a few other doctors look at the results and they all seem to agree on the same thing. We're really sorry to inform you that Jungkook has been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.'



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