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If you're reading this, it's probably too late. I'm not by your side anymore. Do you hate me now? You probably regret ever meeting me, right? When you think of us, are you reminded with bittersweet memories? At night, do you cry yourself to sleep? Do you look at my pictures when you miss me? I know I owe you an explanation. Where do I begin? I was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumour. I knew it was a lost battle, I wouldn't survive the surgery. My time was limited. The days ticked by and they will keep on coming. Then you were diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. You need a heart transplant. It was hard for me to see you struggling with your weak heart. So, I gave you my heart instead. I know you have nightmares when you sleep. It's best for you to let go of our memories now. I never left you. I'm living within you. You have my heart now... please take care of it.
From the moment I met you, I realised I fell for you hard. And I knew the more I got close to you, the more it'd hurt you when I leave. But I was greedy. I wanted to love you more. I wanted you to love me too. To you, I was your best friend. To me, you were my first love. We were two sick souls. When one survived, the other returned back home.
So don't cry when you miss me. Just close your eyes, and recall the memories we had.
We walk on different paths now. Soon, you'll stop feeling my presence in your life. Let go of me now. Go on, spring awaits you. For me, winter has come.
Don't cry when you visit my grave, I might not reach out...
I love you.
- KT


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