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-Marcus's pov-


It was a dark, cold and misty nite of 16th April 1885. Me and my father were walking down an old dirt road through the city of London. we were on our way to see an old friend of my fathers named Sir Robert Kindell who lives in the old part of the city. Sir Robert Kindell is 63 years of age and my father is only 43 years of age and my father see's sir Robert Kindell as a father he never had. I was turning 17 in a few days and my father will not be with me for my birthday like he alway is. He is going away and is leaving me to stay with sir Robert Kindell until he can find a place for us to live and be able to take good care of me. my father has not been himself lately because of the pasting of my mother two months ago. she died from the flu that has been going around lately, I miss her so. We arrived at a old gate in front of sir Robert Kindell's house. My father opened the old rusty gate that need to be oiled. We walked up to the front door for sir Robert kindell's house and my father knocked on the door. Just then the door opened with a big loud creek and there stood an old man, in his late 80's in a black suit. he was slouching over and he looked up at us and asked " how may I help you two gentlemen?" He said in an brittle voice. " we are here to see sir Robert Kindell" said my father. The old man motioned us in and me and my father walked in to the house. We waited for the old man to close the door and when he did he said " this way please". he lead me and my father down the hallway to the other side of the house. He lead us to two big nicely detailed and carved green and gold doors. The old man knocked on the doors and said " sir there are two gentlemen here to see you" and then a man with a stern voice on the other side of the doors said "let them in". Then the old man opened to two big doors and there stood on the other side of the room, standing behind a desk was sir Robert Kindell himself. "ah Charles nice to see. how may I help you old friend" said sir Kindell. "yes you can I was wondering if my son Markus could stay here with you until I can take care better of him" my father asked in a sad voice. "of course he can stay here as long as you want him to until you ready to take of him Charles" said sir Kindell in a happy tone of voice. " thanks old friend, now I must go" said my father as he started to walk to leave. "Will I see you again soon father?" I said in a worried voice. My father stopped and said in a sad and stern voice "yes, you will soon. Bye son". Then he walked out of the room without looking back. "well - you be staying here for a while young man I'll get I Butler to show you to your room." He said in a stern, but kind voice. "Harold come quickly!!" He called in a loud stern controlling voice. "Yes sir?" Said the old men who I now know a Harold. "Yes, take this young men to one of guest rooms to stay in while he is staying here with us" said sir Robert Kindell in a stern and controlling voice. "yes sir. This way young sir" said Harold. " night young man" said sir Kindell. "night sir" I said in a low voice as I turned to follow Harold out of the room. Harold closed the doors and started to walk to the staircase at the front of the house. I followed him up the stairs and it a hallway on the second floor and in to a door to a room at one end of the hallway. " this is your room sir" Harold said as he opened the door to a bedroom I was going to be staying in. "Thanx Harold" I said to him in a low voice. "Your welcome sir" Harold said in a more happier and brittle voice. "Night Harold" I said a little bit more happier. "Night sir" he said and closed the door.

~time skip~

It is now 20th April and today I have a bad feeling that something is not right and I do know what it is but I don't want to find out. I am sitting on my bed when I hear a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I ask to who ever might be knocking at my bedroom door. The door opens and harold walks in, " sir? Sir Robert would like to see you in the study sir" said Harold. Oh no I hope he hasn't found out I accidentally had sex with a boy from the party sir Robert had on last night, because lately I have no feels towards girls at all. I just have been only having feelings towards boys and I don't know why. But I enjoyed having sex with guys. "What dose he want to see me about Harold?" I asked. " I don't know sir, but he wants to see you now sir" Harold said. I got up and walk out of my room and into the hall way and down the stairs and to the two big green and gold carved doors and I knocked on the two doors. "Come in" said sir Robert. I opened the doors and walk into the room and to the desk where he was standing in front of it. "You want to see me sir?" I asked in a low voice. "Yes Marcus, I am afraid I have bad news" he said in an upset toned voice. "What bad news sir?" I asked worried. "I am afraid your father.... Is dead Marcus" he said while looking down at his feet. "What?" I ask in an upset voice while starting to cry. "Your father is dead Marcus" he said again. I turned around and run out of the room. I could hear sir Robert running after me and calling out for me to stop, but I didn't stop I opened the front door and ran to the gate and opened it and ran out to the busy street full of horse and carts racing around me and then....

I died....

*Hi guys, I hope you liked the introduction of my second story :) plz do comment on this storie and tell me what you think? And all so plz read my other story call "a slave for me" and thanx again for reading my story :) hope to see a lot of comments and feedback :) otay well love you all bye <3 LT or JT*

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