A dream Part 1

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Lovely artwork by Twitter artist:Spooki🎃 STAN JANAYA AND WATCH THE DRAGON PRINCE

Amaya's chest Rose and fell as she turned once more on her bed.

"Amaya... " The pale lips taunted her as they moved.

" Why didn't you save me?"

" I'm Sorry Siara! I did my best!" Amaya signed.

"No..." Amaya watched as Siaras face morfed into a frown.

"You killed me."

Amaya awoke with a gasp. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead. She couldn't show weakness, not like this at least.

She was a leader, The leader. The general. She shook her head and got out of bed heading outside.

She put on her gray shoes and walked outside inhaling cold fresh air. It seemed like a reminder of her sisters burial, as if the whole earth was taunting her.

Viren had told them that elves ambushed them, and killed Siara without mercy. Ever since that day on amaya's thought as elves were bloodthirsty monsters. Heartless beasts.

Yet she still couldn't get that one elf out of her mind. She hated herself for it.

She still hoped to meet the elf again. She felt so much emotion that it was overwhelming.

She felt pain.  Physical pain no, she's a warrior! A fighter! Yet her mental state was slowly falling apart.

"How weak of you Amaya." She would tell herself.

Her heart has been held up by chains, for these last few years.

She never showed how weak she was. Not even Gren her closest friend.

She continued this repeating walk into the cold night as she did every night.

This time she took a different pathway. Dense trees hid the path from others.

Birds and tiny chipmunks were all amuck. She had a soft spot for animals. She paused and looked up at the Moon from a gap within the trees. It was a full moon tonight.

She felt something rubbing on her ankle. She glanced down, seeing a tiny kitten. It had an Exquisite golden pattern covering it.

She smiled as she bent down and picked up the creature.

Sure she couldn't talk but she could sign to it.

"I'm Amaya, what's your name little one?"

The kitten watched Amaya's fingers move, using their paws to try and catch them.

"I doubt it can even understand sign language." Amaya thought in her head.

She cradled the cat softly rubbing it.

The cat's fur was a light brown gold, with long swirls of red. The red swirled on the cat's back going up on its ears.

Amaya continued to walk stopping when she saw a clearing from the dense wood.

There was a hill. A beautiful hill covered in grass shaded by an old willow tree.

Amaya walked towards the small hill and sat down, leaning against the willow tree. She could see the stars in their divine space,

" It wouldn't hurt to go and lay by the tree now would it?"
she signed to the cat.

She laid the kitten on her lap and watched as it curled up. She felt the kitten vibrating below her hand.

"The cat must be purring." Amaya thoughts to herself.

Her eyelids soon became heavy. As much as she tried to stay awake she couldn't. Soon her eyes closed as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, covered in moonlight under the stars.

"Fire! Fire where are you!" Janai called. She was looking for her kitten. She looked away for one moment the next thing she knew, her kitten was gone.

"She could have gone that far." She told herself. All she was doing was just going to give her milk, but noooo. Her cat had to leave.

Janai walked through the dense wood, soon finding a clump of red and brown hair.

' I'm so glad I forgot to brush her.'

She continued to follow the trail of hair fire had somehow left behind, and stopped. Her eyes widened. A human.

She recognized this human. She would have retrieved her kitten but it was already loving on her. Janai watched as the human cradled her kitten. Janai moved around to get a better look of the humans face. As she did she stepped on a twig.

She thought for sure the human would hear her. There was no response. It was as if she didn't hear a thing.

Janai continued to follow her slowly and carefully. She watched as the human lay down by a tree with fire on laying in her lap. The Moonlight exposed her face.

Janai took in every detail of the woman's face. The moment she saw the scar on her cheek she gasped softly. She should have known. 

When she knew the human was asleep she walked towards them. When she was close enough she slowly grabbed fire.

Her cheeks became flooded with heat. Her crush was right here, right in front of her.

Now, here she is sitting right in front of her. The human should have heard her.


Janai had noticed how queer the human would act at times, not looking behind her but at the shadows and the tiny rocks that would move with each step. Why?

"She's deaf."

It snuck out of Janai's mouth.

Janai could have mocked her or make as much noise as she wanted, but she didn't. In fact, she respected that this woman. How even though she was deaf it didn't stop her one bit.

In fact she thought it was a amazing thing about her. A new amazing thing.

It was as if fate itself had chosen them to fall in love,(well Janai) but she didn't believe in that stuff, not yet of course.

Where would the fun be in that?

Although it was very unlikely there was so many things blocking it. Number one she's a human and she's a elf.

Number two they're both generals while there's a war going on they could never be together. Only in janai's dreams they could.

Just as she was about to leave she turned around looking at her. The woman was so peaceful but she looked sad. As if she was hurting inside. Janai weighed her choices but quickly made a decision. She ran up to her,

She used one hand to move Amaya's hair and tuck it behind her ear. Then she kissed her on the forehead. She quickly made her way back home.

"Goodbye, silent sunshine."

This is my newest story I will be using a lot of artwork from this Twitter user:Spooki🎃 STAN JANAYA AND WATCH THE DRAGON PRINCE

I would like to thank them for making this beautiful art which inspires me to write the Janaya stories and I hope you enjoyed this first chapter 😁
-Ideate Star

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