Prologue: It Starts With A Dream

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"Ouch!" I fell out of my bed and bumped onto the floor. I stood up and looked outside the window. It seems that it's still midnight. I grabbed my cellphone to check for new messages or notifications. Then, I put my phone on the table after knowing that there's no messages.

Suddenly, I saw a spark of light outside the window. I don't know where that light came from. I thaught it was dark 1 minute ago, and now, the sun is already shinning bright like it's midday.

I quickly searched for my alarm clock. It shows 11.38 am. I was very shoked. I ran outside my bedroom to get ready for school, and realizing that there's nobody home.

I yelled my mother's name a number of times, But I heard nothing. I think I've gone deaf or something.

Suddenly, my vision has dissapeared. I can't see anything but black.

I heard a voice, and it really made me a little bit happy knowing that I'm not deaf, but it kind of sounds like it is coming from a giant monster. I think i've heard this sound before. I ran as fast as I can, but I still can't see. It was just seconds untill I lost my breath. I passed out.


"Ouch! what happenned?" I fell out of bed and bumped onto the floor. Luckily, that was just a dream. I stood up and looked outside the window. It seems that it's still midnight. I grabbed my cellphone to check for new messages or notifications. Then, I put my phone on the table after knowing that there's no messages.

Wait... But that's exactly what happens in my dream...

I quickly prepare my stuffs for school, so I don't get late like in my dream. But when I looked at my alarm clock, It shows 11.38 am. I was very shoked. I ran outside my bedroom to get ready for school, and realizing that there's nobody home.

Okay, this is exactly like my dream. Are my dreams coming true? I wonder, what happenned yesterday?

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