#1: First Dream At School

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Well, It is just an ordinary day at school. I was doing homework, my friends (Well, actually I don't really have friends, so let's just say classmates) , are chatting, some are singing, and Mrs. Tomphson, my history teacher, doesn't seem to care.

I was really bored of the situation. My "singing classmates" are singing the worst song i've ever heard. Their voices aren't really that good, so I shut my ears and continue finishing my homework because it is due today.

I am really annoyed of the loud noises my classmates make. How can Mrs. Thompson be careless about this. I can't even hear her speak. All I heard was "So students, this gaireuejagx, was actually a huaoenwob, but because apoqhduca, it became an oeuqgcokcpa, in 1947." What does that even mean?

"Clang!" I heard the sound of my metal pencil case, bumping the floor.

"Kevin Simon! How many times have I told you not to make noise! And is that a homework that you are working on?!" Oh god, why does Mrs. Thompson only yell at me. Doesn't she realize the other kids noises? Never mind, I'll keep working on my homework.


"Riiiiing!!" Ugh, finally, After hours of boring moments, I fortunately survived. Thank god there are break times at schools. I can't imagine how my life could be without one.

I can see everyone, heading outside the class to the cafetaria. The class is quiet and empty now, and I finally can get the right atmosphere to finish my work.

But suddenly, I felt really heavy hunger. I want to eat! But unfortunately, I can't. I have to finish my homework.

Oh no, I'm really hungry. Now I feel a slight fatigue. I'm sleepy now. No, I can't sleep. I have to finish my homework before the bell rings. Okay, only 6 questions left.

Oh, I'm so sleepy...


-----(For those who don't unsderstand. What happens is : I slept, and this is my dream)-----

Ugh! Almost done... Yes! I've done my homework! And just in time, before the bell rings, plus, I still have time to eat.


No! But I haven't eaten yet! What should I do. I wish I can have something to eat...

(Suddenly, out of nowhere, an apple tree grew beside me)

Huh? I didn't care where that tree came from. I was really hungry. I quickly grab the biggest, shinniest, most delicious looking apple that is hanging on the tree. I didn't think of anything else. I bit the apple, like eating a very tasty, crispy, delicious... Whatever.

Wait a minute, in stories, a perfect apple is ussualy poisonous. Bah, I don't care. No one cares about me, even if i die. Well, maybe my mom does. My father died three years ago. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't even have friends.

Why don't I have friends? God please tell me! (I started mumbling) Is it because I'm not sociable? Or do I have different Interests and hobby than others? Am I a geek? Most people called me a nerd, is it same with geeks? What is a geek? Ugh, my life is the worst! I wish my dreams can come true! How can you make dreams come true! Please Tell Me! PLEASE GOD TELL ME!...

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