#3: A Planet Offspring

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Oh no, the monster is getting closer. A Dragon. I ran quickly, quailed in fear. My tear is at the tip of my eye waiting to drop. Well, you can say I'm not the bravest in the world.

Surprisingly, I can smell a sweet scent of rose coming from the monstrous creature. Now I am curious about the Dragon's real appearance. So, I turn my head back, and freeze. I can see how big it is, but slowly decreases in size, and formed into a shape of someone I know.

"Don't worry honey, it's me!"

"Mom!?" The Monster was my mother!

"Yes, dear! So, have you made your wish yet hun?"

"What? Oh, yes mom, But how do you... Know..."

"Well, it is a really long story, but I think you are old enough to hear the legend..."

" So, there's a Story? A legend behind this diversity?"

"Yes, dear... A really long time ago, at the beginning of the Universe, there were only heaven. There lived two human in that beautiful paradise. One male named Sol, and one female named Luna."

"Ok I get it, and then?"

"Then, Sol and Luna got married and had nine kids, the eldest son named Merkurii, Venii the most beautiful girl, the wisest boy named Terra, the grumpy boy Mars, then there's a girl named Iupite the boss of all, a charming boy Saturne, the cheerful Urane, the calm guy  Neptii, and the little boy pluto. Terra married Venii, same as Merkurii and Iupite."

"Mom, I'm really hungry!..."

"Wait a minute, I'll make you a sandwich, as I continue telling you the story... So, they have many kids, but no one knows why the kids are far smaller than their parents. One day, Sol had a great conflict with Luna. They were arguing about who will have the right to claim their throne of leading the world. Well Sol, he wanted to make the eldest son, Merkurii, to be the next king, while Luna, wanted the wisest, Terra." my Mom said while making the sandwich.

"So, Sol and Luna was the King and Queen of the world?"

"Exactly honey, here's your sandwich... Let me continue the story. They were arguing about the next king. Merkurii and Terra who secretly heard their argument, barged in and shouted for what they really wanted. Merkurii didn't want to be the next king. While for Terra, well he wanted to be a king, but he just didn't feel right to lead his own older brother. Hearing that, Sol got angry and he intended to punch Merkurii. Seeing her husband furious, Luna standed in the way of Sol's hand and got punched in the face. Without thinking long, Terra brought her to her room and let Urane took care of her."

As mom continues the story, I eat the sandwich. It was really delicious.

"Dear, are you hearing me?" said mom while brushing her brown hair behind her ear.

"Yes, of course mom, I'm just enjoying the sandwich, you can continue the story now."

"Okay. What happened next was that Merkurii, saw her mom got punched by his dad, and he really felt guilty. Soon, he suicided using one knive. His siblings, who saw him lying on the floor in his room, burnt the body and kept it in a large chunk of stone, which then, falls down to the Universe."

"And now, he becomes Mercury."

"Exactly my smart sweet. When Sol saw Merkurii died, He became hundred times more furious. He said, if Merkurii couldn't be king, no one could. He casted out his magic spell, to transform all his kids into large boulders. Quickly, Terra shielded the kids and got turned into a large sphere of dirts and stones. Luna cried in misery as she watched her son died right in front of her."

"Wait, hold up mom. So, Sol had powers?"

"Yes, I'm sorry dear, I forgot to mention that earlier. Actually, Luna had powers to. Whoever is the king and queen of the Universe, shall have powers to help them lead it."

"Oh, Okay."

"Yes, let me continue the story. Luna got really upset. She told the really-really tiny kids --Terra and Merkurii's child-- to stay and build houses at Terra's big boulder, which now is the planet Earth. That was not the only move Luna made, she also faced Sol, and made him hold responsible for what he have done. But Sol, he didn't want to pay for his deals. Instead, he turned the rest of the humans who still in heaven into large boulders, of which includes the 7 left brothers. They were all thrown down into the pitch black empty space, the outer space. Merkurii's childs are safe on Earth, and so as Terra's. Luna, were also made into stone, but smaller than Terra's size."

"Ah... That is the beggining of the outer space... But how about Sol?"

"Sol, well he lived alone in heaven. So, he always looked down to the universe and admitted his wrong doings. He created sun, as a symbol of his apology. The 9 brothers circled the sun for a symbol of 'apology accepted'. Luna go round the Earth to observe her next generations. She noticed that they can only marry someone with the same 'planet parent' to have a kid. For example, Terra's descendant can only marry another Terra's descendant, same as for mercury, and they can only have 1 child. Noticing that, she created other humans with her powers to increase the population. She also noticed the humans were lonely, without any various creatures, so she created animals that vary, and plants that grow in different sizes. Slowly, the population increases."

"So, what does the story has to do with me?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot one more thing. Merkurii's Offspring is called Meria. Terra's Offspring is called Geia. The majority of human on Earth, the ones that was made by Luna, is called Neuria. The Merias and the Geias have always wanted to rule world. They have always tried killing each other since the first generation of them. Well, since the Merias and the Geias can only have one child, if that child dies, it is the child on the opposing team that wins. Do you get it, honey?"

"So, it's kind of like the 'Last Man Standing' competition?"

"Yes, you can assumed it that way."

"So mom, what really does the story has to do with me?"

"The Geias, they were under the protection of Luna. She gave the Geias the ability to grant wishes. You and me, we are Terra's offspring. We are his descendant. We are Geia."


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