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I'm woken up by the sound of glass smashing and shouting. I look at the alarm next to me to see that I only fell asleep 15 minutes ago. I shrug the covers off and make my way towards the chaos. Rubbing my eyes I see a shocked Annie and Beau, a frenzied finnick and a fuming Jules. I didn't know it was possible but his face is redder than ever. His flame fuelled eyes turn to me before he stomps towards me, making the ground shake.

"You!" He exclaims. "You just have to ruin everything don't you. Miss prissy princess who acts like she's queen of the world when in reality you're just a sad low life orphan-" before he can continue my palms makes contact with his plum face, successfully shutting him up for once.

"I don't have a clue what's going on here but you need to sit down and have a reality check. I don't know what your problem is and I simply don't care, so calm down and let me get back to sleep." And with that I turn around and make my way back to my room, slamming the door. A few seconds later I hear a soft knock.

"Come in."

Beau struts I'm with her head high and a soft smile on her face. She sits down on the bed next to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

"I know that we don't know each other well, but I am so truly saddened by the thought of you going in to the games tomorrow. You are such an inspirational, amazing young woman and I am so sorry that this is how your life has turned out. But I believe that you could do it. I believe that you could win the games. So do just that." She envelops me in a tight hug before going out and leaving me alone. That was the last time that I'd ever see Beau.

My thoughts are broken when I see Annie's red hair standing at the door. She comes over and sits next to me, letting tears fall from her eyes.

"I-I-I really don't know what to say. I never thought that you'd be in this situation Ariel. Never in a million years. You're such a good kid, so loving, so caring. You were the little sister that I always dreamed of having, and I can't believe that this is how it is. I-I-I don't know what I'm going to do without you." She stutters before fully breaking down. I grab her into my arms and let a few tears fall. Annie replaces the older sister that I had lost. We would always look out for each other, especially when finnick wasn't there, and I can't bear to see her go through so much pain.

"Annie. Thank you for always being there but I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll look after finnick. I don't know how he will take this but I know that it won't be well. He's the only biological family that he has left, and I can't let him be alone. Please Annie. Please."

"I promise."

With that we give each other our last hug as she walks out the door.

I quickly dry my tears as finnick walks in but it was a pointless exercise as seeing his heartbroken face started the floods again. We run in to each other's arms, carefully holding each other as our bodies shake with sobs.

"I can't let you do this" he whispers.

"We don't have a choice. But I want you to promise me something and that's once the inevitable happens I don't want you to dwell. I want you to move on and don't shut people out. I know it'll be hard but you have so many people that care for you, mags and Annie. And they'll do anything to help you. Just don't forget about me but move on from me."

"You can't die in there. You can't. I need you. You're my little sister, my baby sister. We're all each other has." He sniffles out. "Promise me. Promise me you'll try to stay alive."

"I can only try finnick but look at the competition."

"I'm telling you the same advice as I was told. Act friendly to their faces but always have your guard up. When it gets closer to the end that's when it gets deadly, you need to kill or be killed. And I'm not allowing you to chose the latter. Do you understand."

"I understand." We let go but still keep in arms length.

"I love you Ariel."

"I love you too big brother." And with that he gives me one last hug and kiss to the forehead before walking out the door. I make my way to the window and let my tears flow. That was my goodbye to my big brother. That's all my goodbyes over with. Now I just need to get ready because I'm going to the games tomorrow and there's no way to stop it.

73rd hunger games {finnicks sister}Where stories live. Discover now