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"W-what?! Hey! D-don't joke around! I'm being nervous here!" he said as he panic. He doesn't know what to do. What if you'll suddenly collapse there?

You tagged on his sleeves and hold his hand to stop him from moving around. After a few seconds, he calmed down and looked at you worriedly. "What's happening? Come. I'll bring you to the clinic." he said as he faced his back to you. You weakly obeyed him and ride on his back.

"T-thank y-you.." you muttered quietly.

After minutes of walking, both of you reached the clinic. Zelo immediately lay you down the patient's bed. The school nurse came near you. "What happened to you?" the nurse, Ms. Song, asked you.

"She can't breath properly." Zelo answered for you since you're still weak to talk.

Ms. Song went near you and examined your condition. "I see. So please do what I say okay? Inhale.." she instructs and you did as she says.

"Exhale.. Inhale.. Exhale.. Inhale.. Breath slowly.." she said then she handed you a glass of water and medicine. "Drink this."

You slowly and weakly got it, still finding it hard to breath but manage to do so, from her. You drank it immediately and thank Ms. Song for it.

As time passed by, the medicine you drank is effecting. Your breath is slowly coming back into its normal pace.

Seeing this, Zelo made his way towards you. "Are you alright now?" he asked you and turned to Ms. Song afterwards. "What happened to her?" he questioned the nurse politely.

Ms. Song faced him first, then to you. "I thinks the reason why she finds hard to breath is because of her allergy triggered her. Let's be thankful that it's not severe or else her life will be in danger." she explained to the them. "Now what did you eat awhile ago?" she asked you.

You blinked three times still trying to absorb all the information that Ms. Song told you. "What did I eat?" you asked then think all what you ate.


On your way to garden, both of you are talking non-stop. Discussing all information that Zelo needs to know about the school's rules and regulation. Then, suddenly Zelo's phone rang. He excused himself to answer his phone.

"It looks like he will take long talking on the phone." you said. While waiting for him, you saw food vendor selling something.

Out of curiousity, you went near him and look what he is selling.  *Oh street foods. It looks delicious.*

"Hello. How what is this?" you asked pointing at the one with a stick.

"Oh that? It's called Calamares. Do you want to buy that?" the vendor asked you and you nodded. He took it, then fried it. After awhile, it's done and gave it to you.

"Oh my~ It smells good and it also looks like it's delicious. Anyway how much is it?" you said.

"It's only 240 won." the vendor said. You paid him as he thank you. You walked away and started eating it. "Ohh~ It's delicious~" you commented. In just minutes, you finished the food you bought and went back where Zelo is. He is still talking to his phone. But after a few seconds, he hanged up his phone and went back beside you.

"I'm sorry for taking too long. It's an emergency. So let's continue." he said and the both of you started to walk again ended up sitting on a bench.

End of Flashback

"Ohh! I remember now. I ate Calamares. I didn't know I'm also allergic with it. I only know that I'm allergic to seafoods. Its delicious though." you said, still wondering why your allergy attacked you.

"Omo. Of course you are! Do you know what Calamares is?" Ms. Song asked you and you just shook your head innocently. You don't have any single idea what is that. "Calamares is a seafood! It's a squid!" she said and shook her head. She can't believe you're eating something that you don't have any idea at all.

"Oh? Really? No wonder it tastes like that." you said as you scratched the back of your head.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Aigoo~ You're too careless!" Zelo said. He can only facepalmed himself.

Memories From Yesterday [B1A4's Jinyoung Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now