Him and Her? No Way!

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It was Saturday morning and you can hear the birds chirping outside the window, the sun rays brightly through the curtains of your room, causing you to wake up. Thankfully, your allergy triggered on friday so that you can still rest on weekends.

You were laying lazily in your bed when someone suddenly burst in and jump on your bed. "Argh.. Why are you here so early Harin? I'm still sleepy~" you complained.

"It's beacuse I'm too worried about you! How dare you not to call me yesterday when you're not feeling well?! If Zelo didn't tell me about this I wouldn't know!" Harin nagged at you. She felt betrayed that you didn't inform her about your condition. It was like stabbing her heart that she doesn't know what happened to you.

"I didn't tell you because I know you'll overreact! And you'll get worried too much. And besides when it happened you're still in class, I don't want you to ditch the class beacuse of me." you said to her. Knowing Harin for a long time now, you knew what will she do if ever she's inform about your condition yesterday. "And also, no need to worry now Harin. I'm fine now." you assured her.

She pouted and then hugged you tightly until you can't breath. "Y-yaaa~ I can't breath!" you said while struggling against Harin"s hug. "Oops I'm sorry! Hahaha" she playfully said.

Since Harin is in your house, you both decided to do a movie marathon. You haven't done it for awhile now since you're both occupied with school works. So since they have the chance to have bonding time, they will not waste it.

"What are we going to watch?" you asked her. You were the one who supposed to decide what to watch since watching dramas or movies is your hubby, but she said she has one in mind.

"Let's go for a horror movie! Yay! I really want to watch it!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Horror?! No way! You know I don't like watching horror movies right? Please not horror!" you begged her to change her mind but it was no use. You even used aegyo to persuade her but she still stick to her decision to watch a horror movie.

"Oh come on twina~ It's not that scary! And it's really good." she said convincingly. And after a long discussion, you finally surrendered.

"Haha! Leggo watch HAUNT now! Omg I'm so excited!" she screamed. Once she's done assembling all that needed, she run towards you and sit beside you.

The both of you are seriously watching the movie. There's an old man who is fixing some gadget, it's like a voice transmitter. The old man is searching for some signal and after some try a voice suddenly can be heard. It's a voice of a young girl who yearns for his father. Then the old man is crying, it's his daughter. They exchanged some words and then suddenly the voice disappeared. It can no longer be heard. He tried to fix it again but to no avail. Then suddenly...

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" you screamed like your life depends on it. You got shocked of what you saw. Due to your loud scream,  Harin covered both of her ears. It feels like her eardrums got damaged.

"Hey it's just starting! It's not that scary." she said. You glared at her.

"Well, for me it is. Huhuhu You know that I'm not fan of horror movies." you said to her. And covered yourself with a blanket.

Few hours had passed and the movie ended. Harin stretched her arms and yawn. She noticed that you are leaning your head on your knees, eyes closed. Seeing you like that, she can't help but shook her head. "Tsk tsk. Typical Jihyun." She then carried you towards your bed and settled you there. After that, she walked downstairs.

"Oh Harin ah! You're here too?" a man with deep voice said.

"Oh Baro oppa! Yes I've been here since this morning. We were just done watching a movie." Harin said to Baro.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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