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charlie and luke had been playing 20 questions for the last hour. some how they managed to keep getting off topic and were only up to question 13. charlie had realised through this game that luke was really good company. the little, tiny crush she may of had on the cute blonde when they first met had well and truly disappeared by now. liking him like that seemed weird. he was clearly a lot older than her and he reminded her a lot of a brother (not that she would know, being an only child). he was slightly annoying, but still fun to be around. charlie really wished she had a brother. or even a sister. just a sibling in general would be nice, to keep her company. but unfortunately she had neither, so for now she was just going to focus on luke and the company he was providing.

"what's your full name?" luke asked, leaning back in his chair. he adjusted in his seat trying to find a comfortable position. tight planes and long legs aren't the best combination.

"charlotte emily carter."

"wait, so charlie is short for charlotte?" luke questioned thoughtfully.

charlie shrugged, "yeah, i prefer that over charlotte. its less formal i guess."

"yeah, no thats cool. i've just never heard of that being short for charlotte before. like maybe lottie or something, but never charlie." he explained. charlie nodded.

"like charlottes web." luke giggled to himself quietly. he literally giggled, like a small child.

"that movie makes me cry." he said seriously, his expression quickly changing to one more serious. "damn childrens movies." he cursed quietly.

charlie looked at him in disbelief, shaking her head in amusement.

"okay." she announced loudly, earning a few stares from other passengers. "okay." she repeated again in a hushed tone. "moving on."

"whats you're full name?" she asked.

luke sighed, dropping his head to look down at his lap. he knew this question would come eventually, especially after he had just asked her. finally he looked up, his lip between his teeth.

"promise you won't laugh." he said. charlie just nodded.

"oh no, no, no. promise." he ordered.

"okay, okay calm your quiff, i promise." luke had taken his beanie off sometime ago to reveal a flattened quiff that he quickly adjusted. charlie thought it was kinda cute.

"luke..." he trailed off.

"no way! really? thank you blue!"

"blue?" luke laughed.

"ya know, because sherlocks too mainstream... and people are always like 'no shit sherlock.' so i say blue. like blues clues. you know that blue dog with the funky spots and big ears? man his ears are big. " she explained, or rather rambled. charlie wasn't exactly the funniest person you could meet, but that didn't stop her from making whole hearted attempts.

luke let out an amused laugh. "you do talk some shit sometimes charlie. how old are you again? 12?"

"hilarious. now tell me your name."

luke hesitated before barely moving his lips, "lukeroberthemmings." he murmured quietly under his breath.


"luke robert hemmings." luke said a little more clearly, coughing at the end.

"whats so bad about that?" charlie asked genuinely. personally she didnt see why it was so embarrassing. "i like it, its cute." she smiled pinching his cheeks.

"i'm not cute." luke protested, pushing her hand from his cheeks. luke was many things, but cute was not one of them. well thats what he thought at least, charlie begged to differ.

"but you really are lucas robert hemmings." she teased. charlie was just doing this to annoy him because quite frankly, it was fun seeing him this way. all bothered and annoyed.

"its just luke."

"oh, i know." she smirked.

"okay, next question. how old are you?" luke asked. this question had been on his mind for a while and he was honestly quite curious to know the answer.

"12, but i'm turning 13 in four months, so basically 13." she replied in the most serious tone she could muster.

"oh." luke replied, nodding his head awkwardly. he expected her to be maybe 15 or so. she looked around that age, maybe a bit younger. and other than that little 'blues clues' mishap, she also seemed quite mature.

"totally kidding by the way, i'm 14." she explained, after seeing the look on his face.

"you nearly had me there, wow." luke chuckled. "you're actually quite mature for you're age." he noted, speaking his previous thoughts aloud.

"i wish i could say the same about you..."

"hey! you don't even know how old i am." luke said, hitting her on the arm lightly.

charlie clutched her arm, faking the injury just as she had seen many soccer players do on tv. they were the best actors, always willing to claim a penalty. thats another thing about charlie, she loved soccer. she loved playing it, she loved watching it. over all she just loved the game.

okay maybe that was a lie. charlie was not the least bit sporty. she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a touchdown and a slam dunk if she tried.

"didn't your mother ever tell you violence is never the answer?" she asked.

"unless the question is 'what is never the answer?' then in that case, violence is the answer." luke retaliated

"sorry i don't speak bullshit, what did you say?" charlie asked blankly.

"language charlotte! you're only 14, after all." luke smirked.

"yeah, yeah okay whatever." she brushed it off, laughing lightly. "and we wonder why this game takes so long."

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