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luke and charlie were currently trying to beat each other in 'don't touch the spikes'. with a little coaching from luke, charlie was able to beat her high score by 43 which was quite an achievement.

"i'm starting to regret teaching you my secret. you're nearly better than me now." luke shook his head in disbelief, chuckling lightly. "nearly." he smirked.

"mhmm." charlie replied, too busy concentrated on the game. her score was currently 112, and at the rate she was going, she might even end up beating luke.

he looked over her shoulder at the game, then back to her face at her eyes that were lit up by the phone screen. luke couldn't decide what colour they were. mostly green, with swirls of blue and a yellow rim on the outside, certainly not like anything he had seen before. he didn't realise it until just now actually, because without looking closely it just looks like a greenish, hazelish colour.

he looked back down at the screen seeing the number 125.

"no." he muttered in disbelief under his breath, at the same time charlie through her hands in the air yelling a loud, and triumphant "yes!"

this caused a few cold glares to which she quickly apologised.

"in your face luke robert hemmings." she whispered, doing a mini celebration dance. well, as best as she could in a tight plane seat.

"only because of my excellent teaching skills" luke was quick to defend. he couldn't believe that a fourteen year old girl had a) not only managed to beat her previous high score by 52, but b) had also managed to beat him in the process.

"of course." she smiled. "where would i be without them?"

"still trying to get a score above 73." luke answered seriously.

"hm, probably right." charlie shrugged in a agreement. "thanks luke." she smiled.

"s'all good hun." he smiled in return, moving around in his seat to find a more comfortable position.

"ew, what the heck lucas, i'm not your hun."

"my bad hun." luke smirked.

"okay seriously luke stop." charlie said seriously, leaning back in her seat.

"okay, okay." he sighed in defence, retrieving his phone back from charlie's lap.

charlie rested her head against the window for a little while, closing her eyes and just thinking. it was nice to do that sometimes, just think. about whatever she wanted. about how she was going to see her grandparents soon, or about one directions new song that recently leaked (she might have been a bit of a fan of them too) or just the fact that she was really lucky to be sitting next to luke, instead of an old man who was on his way to a business conference. she would take luke over your average, fun-drained adult any day.

"luke." charlie spoke up.

luke looked up from his phone, turning his full attention to charlie, and whatever it was that she was about to say.

"i'm really glad you're sitting next to me.' she smiled softly, looking at his sunglasses because she couldn't look at his eyes that were hidden by them. she was still yet to understand why he wouldn't take them off. there wasn't actually a reason, luke just wanted to wear them, but he wouldn't tell charlie, so she didn't push the subject.

"me too." he smiled.

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