Reveal[Chapter 6]

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☆Todoroki POV☆

This starts off where we left Todoroki. Also, I am going to start using italics whenever the characters are thinking so I don't always have to type out, "they thought." I'm also using bold whenever I'm talking if I want to make a side note. I won't keep you longer, so here's the next chapter. Dun dun dun.

I awoke the next morning with Midoriya still glued to my mind. I wanted to see him again as soon as possible. I needed to see him again the moment I could. I wanted to hold him, feel his warmth so I'd know I wasn't dreaming. Unfortunately, it was too late to go see him. I was already running late. It would have to wait until after classes today. I hurried to get ready then made my way to class 1-A. I took my seat by Momo and as I did, glanced over to Midoriya's empty seat. Somehow, it created a whole different atmosphere in the classroom. Everything lacked the vibrant color it held whenever he was around. Momo touched my arm, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Soooo, how did last night with Midoriya go?" She asked while wiggling her brows at me.

I held down a blush, keeping a poker face.

"It was fine, what about your night with Jirou?" I tried my best to wriggle my brows.

Momo busted out laughing at my failed attempt and I knew I lost any upper hand I was trying to claim. My poker face shattered and the blush fully rose to my cheeks.

"It was wonderful," she answered after she sobered from her fit of giggles.

Mr. Aizawa entered so I focused my attention towards him and braced myself for the long day ahead.

Time Skip》You know the drill

Classes were finally over with. For whatever reason, they actually seemed to fly by today. It was if some outer force were controlling time itself. (Hmm, I wonder what that could be) As I thought about other worldly beings, I made my way to see Midoriya.

This time when I visited, Midoriya was awake and looking bored out of his mind. I peeked through the window and just took a couple seconds to study him.

"Awh, my poor broccoli boy having to be by himself for so long."

The thought saddened me. I knocked and opened the door, letting myself in. When he saw me, a look of pure embarrassment made its home across his face. He was blushing hard and quickly pulled the cover up over his nose to try to hide it.

"How adorable!" I gushed.

"Hey Midoriya." I said coolly.

"H-Hey!" He replied awkwardly, twirling his hair, "What brings you here?"

He had the blanket down now and I could still make out his fading blush.

"I just wanted to check up on you again," I replied, making sure to emphasize the last word.

"Oh, okay!" He said before, "Wait...Again?!" He finished with a squeak.

He continued to twirl his fingers through his hair and blank out.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" I asked delivering him from his thoughts.

"Yea, all good here!" He chirped.

I dismissed the extra cheerfulness in his voice knowing he was flustered.

"I have some errands to run, but I'll be back later, okay?"

He only nodded. I started to walk out, but suddenly my feet stopped in their tracks. Next thing I knew, they were pulling me closer to him. I kissed his cheek then hurried out the door. As soon as I closed the door, I leaned my head against it and let the blush rise to my cheeks. That boy was causing this on way too many occasions. I can't control it around him. I peeked back into his room and saw a blush painted across his freckled face. I came undone in that moment, unravelled so quickly. By one boy. I was in love with that boy. I was in love with Izuku Midoriya and I would confess. Tonight. Whenever I returned.

With this thought in mind I knew I wanted to buy him something special to commemorate the moment.

"Chocolates would be perfect. They're as sweet as my boy."

On campus, they had a few shops with essential items in stock for the students. One of them had to have sweets. Some heroes in training really couldn't live without. I headed over to the shops and browsed for a bit before I found a box of chocolates I was satisfied with. I bought it and the lady at the register smiled a knowing smile at me. I checked the time. 7:36. I had already been away too long. I was headed back whenever I spotted a bright pair of yellow eyes staring at me from a bush. A cat? I neared and the eyes shrunk back into the safety of the bush. I was about to turn away and leave when a hand shot out and took a grip around my neck. I was met again with those yellow eyes and then black.

Word Count: 849

A/N Woohoo! Another chapter. I'm sorry that it took this long to publish a new one. I was on vacation and suffering from a bit of writer's block. I made this chapter by rough drafting first. Does it seem any better? This is where the story picks up pace. I hope you're enjoying it. I'll try to keep writing chapters continuously. I may also switch to typing this on my laptop. It's difficult to do all my writing through phone. Let me know if there's anything I need to work on, anything you need explained, etc. I want to make this a decent read. I love you all <3

-Savvy Face🍯

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