Without Him[Chapter 8]

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Todoroki POV☆

I awoke with a start, jolting up in my bed, ready to fight. I glanced around. I was in my room? Had I dreamt everything? I wasn't attacked? Questions kept whipping through my mind, yet I was unable to process anything. A knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," I croaked out, my throat scratchy.

I rubbed at my throat while Momo let herself in, a solemn look upon her face. My stomach instantly dropped and tied itself in knots. I noticed a few tears slip down Momo's cheeks.

"What happened?"

I waited for an answer then realized I hadn't spoken, the words trapped in my throat. Momo noticed me looking anxious.

"Todoroki...I don't know how to tell you this, but...he's gone."

My voice came back, "Gone? Who's gone? What do you mean, Momo?"

She looked down, unable to meet my eyes while tears still silently marked her cheeks.

"Midoriya is gone...they took him."

The words pierced through my heart. My mind was unable to process it and I felt sick to my stomach. I tugged on my hair, hoping I would wake up. I needed to wake up. I needed to wake up. I rocked back and forth, my arms wrapped around my legs. I needed to wake up. I couldn't breathe. My lungs wouldn't take in air. I needed to wake up. I needed Midoriya. I needed to wake up. Arms suddenly wrapped tightly around me, breaking the spell. I sunk in them, not having the strength to push them away. One tear fell, then two, then twenty. I was crying and it wouldn't stop. Momo pulled me closer, but it was no use.

"The last time I cried more than a tear was when mom..." I shook my head before the memories came.

Momo didn't let go until my tears subsided. I was slightly embarrassed for being such a crybaby, but I could hardly even think about that. The only thought on my mind was Midoriya.

"Where was he? Was he okay? Was he hurt? Was he...alive? No, I can't think like that."

I looked at Momo, my eyes pleading for any information. She read my expression,

"They aren't sure what happened to him, Todoroki. I'm so sorry. All Might wants to talk to you about what happened when you're ready."

I stood up immediately. The sooner All Might is informed of my perspective, the sooner he might be able to help. I rushed down to the dorm's common room. My fellow classmates were all gathered together, each looking at me with varying levels of pity. A few teachers were gathered in the corner, talking about adding extra security measures. I approached All Might, who turned to acknowledge me.

"Young Todoroki! I am glad to see you awake. I am very sorry for asking about this so soon, but I need you to tell me what you remember," he said while coaxing me into the kitchen area with the other teachers.

I told them all of what happened. I left out the box of chocolates part and such things as Midoriya's and my relationship was just beginning to blossom. I didn't know how open he wanted to be about it. After I finished, I felt numb. I just kept replaying the moments in my head, wondering if I could've done anything differently. All Might nodded after I finished and patted me on the back.

"It will be okay, young Todoroki. Do not worry, for I am here."

He smiled, but lines of worry were etched in his face. My stomach lurched, questioning if they had any leads yet. All Might and the other teachers then bid us good night after excusing us from classes tomorrow. I was thankful for that. I wasn't sure if any of us could handle the weight of Midoriya missing, except maybe for Bakugou, though even he was oddly quiet. He looked angry as always, but it was somehow different.

"So what's the plan?" Bakugou suddenly growled out.

We all snapped our heads over to him in shock.

"Plan for what?" I asked for all of us.

"To get that damn nerd, Deku, back! What's the plan?" Bakugou stared us all down in seriousness.

"Baku-bro, why are you so suddenly worried about Midoriya?" Kirishima asked in shock.

"If we don't get that nerd back soon, I'll have no one to battle for number one," he replied angrily.

We all ignored the silent dig at us and pondered for a moment.

Tsuyu broke the silence, "What can we do that the teachers haven't already thought of? *Ribbit*"

"We have to hold trust in the pro-heroes, they'll find him," Uraraka chimed hopefully.

I wasn't so sure. While I looked up to the heroes, we had no real leads. I didn't know what their plan was or if they even had one. I had to stay hopeful for Midoriya though. Giving up on the pro-heroes meant giving up on him and I would never do that. I will do whatever it takes to bring Midoriya home, back to me. Everyone else just looked so discouraged. I had to excuse myself and get away from the energy. I said a vague good night and walked back to my room. Collapsing on my bed, I layed flat on my back and stared at the ceiling. I hope Midoriya is at least okay, wherever he may be. I finally drifted to sleep, Midoriya on my mind.

☆Midoriya POV☆

I awoke to darkness. I started to yell, but to no avail. There was something over my mouth, preventing the screams from escaping. I couldn't move my arms or my legs. I was alone...or so I thought. What I hadn't realized were the two people in the room, watching me struggle. A giggle suddenly rang into the room. It sounded like a child, but the voice sent a chill down my spine.

"You're so cute when you're helpless, Izuku," she said, still giggling.

The voice sounded oddly familiar, but I couldn't place it without seeing the face. A hand suddenly stroked my cheek. I tried to flinch, but couldn't move. They tore the tape off my mouth, leaving it stinging.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What are you going to do-"

A second voice cut me off.

"Stop asking so many questions. You'll learn your place soon. Now put the tape back over his face, he's getting on my damn nerves. This is all your fault."

"Whatever," the female voice muttered before slapping the tape back over my mouth.

I had to figure a way out of this as quickly as possible. I thought back to the last thing I remembered. Todoroki...Was he involved somehow? I only remember him forcefully kissing me. My eyes watered with the memory. Todoroki would never, but I couldn't deny what I experienced. I hadn't heard his voice while here though which gave me a bit of hope. Maybe it was a set-up. I had to be smarter than my captors. I planned for a while, not knowing how much time had passed. I couldn't sleep while in this position. I heard footsteps come and leave the room I was in, but it seemed there was always someone with me at all times. I didn't know how much longer I could stand it. I leaned my head back and somehow fell into a restless sleep.

-Word count: 1243

Hello readers! Long time, no see. I know I've neglected updating this story for a while, but while on break I wanted to put out another chapter. I'm not sure how I'll continue this story or how much longer the story will continue. I started this over a year ago and looking back, critique myself so much over my past writing. This chapter was a bit rushed and I haven't written anything in a while, but I hope you enjoy it all the same! I'm wishing you all the best and Happy Holidays!

~Blake Grey🖤(Formerly Savvy Face)

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