Awakening[Chapter 5]

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A/N Just wanted to give a warning. Some abuse is present in this chapter. Be aware and please do not read if you're sensitive to this!


I woke up and I didn't know where I was. White walls, white floors with the smell of bleach, and a machine beeping. Oh. The infirmary. Yet again. Leave it to me to end up back here for the hundredth time. I hope I haven't been here long. All I remember was the fight with Kacchan, seeing black and then a dream. A wonderful dream. A dream with...Todoroki-kun. He came here in the hospital and he layed with me, held me. It was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. However, I know it could never happen in real life. He likes Momo, not me.

I sighed and closed my eyes, remembering the dream fondly. It felt so real. If only. Todoroki could never love me like that. I'll just hold the dream close to my heart, forever hoping. Suddenly, Recovery Girl walked in to check on me, pulling me out the enjoyment of my daydreams.

"Oh, Midoriya, you're up! That's good." She said.

"I have some bad news though. You did get a concussion so I'm afraid you'll have to stay here a few more nights."

I let out a small sigh and lay back. She went around checking the equipment to make sure everything was working fine all the while muttering about how All Might needed to stop pushing me so far. Before I could protest, she walked out the room. I was alone again. Stuck in the room with white walls while having nothing to do. Around lunchtime I received a knock on the door. I figured it was just Recovery Girl bringing lunch, but it was Iida and Uraraka. My face lit up when I saw them. Finally, someone to talk to.

"Hi Deku!" Uraraka exclaimed, "We brought you food."

I took it happily and began eating quickly.

"How are you feeling?" Iida asked.

"I've felt better," I said between bites.

He nodded, "I didn't want you to get behind so I brought the schoolwork you missed today," he said setting the pile of papers on a table nearby.

At least I'll have something to keep me busy I guess. They left to go back to class and I started on the work, keeping myself occupied. Classes ended for the day and a little while later I got a knock on the door. I blushed as soon as I saw who it was then pulled the blanket up over my nose. Todoroki-kun! What was he doing here?! Why was he here? Did he want to check on me?

"Hey Midoriya," he said interrupting my thoughts.

"H-Hey!" I said with too much enthusiasm, twirling my hair between my fingers, "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to check up on you again."

"Oh, okay," I said calming down.

"Wait...A-Again?!" I tensed up, the blush moving to my ears.

I had just realized what that meant.

"Todoroki-kun did visit last night and he...we...oh gosh,"I thought and continued to feverishly twirl my hair.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Todoroki said, waving a hand in front my face.

"Uhmmm yea, all good here!" I said, hoping he would go with it.

He just nodded, "I have some errands to run, but I'll be back later tonight, okay?"

I nodded unable to say anything. He went to walk out, hesitated, turned around quickly, kissed my cheek, and hurried out the room. My mind turned to absolute mush. What just happened? Am I dreaming? I slapped myself in the face. Okay, not dreaming. Did Todoroki really like me? I sat there for an hour thinking it out. I had to tell him I liked him too! That's what I would do when he returned. Now that I had a mission, time started going super slowly. It was now five in the evening. When would he be back? He said later? How much did later mean? I decided to let myself daydream about what I would say when he did come.

Time skip cause I'm not going to make you suffer with Midoriya

Time skip cause I'm not going to make you suffer with Midoriya

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A few hours had passed. It was now eight in the evening and I was starting to lose hope. Was he really coming back? As soon as I thought it, a knock sounded at my door. He walked in, adorable as always and holding chocolates? He handed me a heart shaped box and sure enough a dozen yummy chocolates were inside.

"Aw, thank you so much, Todoroki-kun," I said with a bright smile, "I love it."

"I need to tell you something," I trailed off.

He looked nervous. He held a smile, but his eyes were shifting around the room. My statement hung forgotten in the air.

"Are you okay, Todoroki-kun?"

"Hmm? Oh. Yes, I'm fine," he said quickly, "I just need to show you something. Come with me?" He asked holding out his hand.

I hesitantly took it as he led me out the infirmary. I guess it was okay to leave. Nothing really hurt anymore. I know Recovery Girl would scold me if she found out though. Todoroki led me through the school in the shadows until we got to the gate. They were open, even though it was late in the night.

Todoroki noted my nervousness, "Don't you trust me?"

I didn't answer at first. He lightly kissed my cheek, waiting for an answer.

"I do, Todoroki-kun."

"Good," he smirked.

He kissed my lips. At first I melted into the kiss, but then it was too much. He pushed me against the wall and forcefully shoved his tongue in my mouth.

"P-Please stop," I whimpered against his lips.

He paid me no mind. A few tears slipped down my cheeks, but he kept his lips covering mine. I was too frightened to move, to try to yell for help. His lips swallowed my whimpers. I tried to hold onto hope, but no one came. We were alone, hidden by the shadows. He reached into his pocket, pulling something out. The last thing I remember is a stinging sensation in my neck and then black.

Word Count: 1022

A/N  Hello all my wonderful readers! I'm sorry this chapter took a bit longer to publish. I went through a bit of writer's block trying to figure out exactly how I wanted to stitch this story together. I really hope you're enjoying it. I also wanted to thank you for the 100+ reads I've already received on this story. Many thanks to each one of you. I hope you continue reading to find out what happens next. Anyways, I'll see you next chapter <3

-Savvy Face🍯

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