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Seungcheol, I think I’m in love.” Jihoon suddenly said while eating their lunch. “Are you in love with me?” Seungcheol said moving his face closer to Jihoon and he put his two hands under his chin forming a ‘V’.

No, Seungcheol. I will never be in love with you.” Jihoon replied and Seungcheol’s smile was gone.

You’re bad, you don’t love your best friend. I’ll find someone who’s willing to love me. Unlike you, bad guy. Seungcheolie is mad at you!” Seungcheol crossed his arms while sulking.

The younger, laughed at the older’s reaction. I never thought Seungcheol will be this cute, he thought. After thinking about that, he felt an unusual feeling inside him. He immediately washed that thought away and think of other things.

"Stop that drama you know I love you, Cheol. But it's about Soonyoung. I think I like him." Jihoon finally said it.

Seungcheol doesn't know what to say so he muttered a simple 'oh'.

So what’s your plan? Will you confess?” The older asked him.

He doesn't have a plan on confessing to Soonyoung. He knows he would be rejected again. Soonyoung is a good, soft and lovable guy. He's friendly and fun to be with. For a small span of time, they've became friends. Jihoon found out what the latter likes and dislikes. They even went out and go to the mall with just the two of them. As time passed by, he realized that he doesn't see Soonyoung as a friend but something more than that. He likes him not as a friend but as a man.

"No, I won't" he answered. Seungcheol looked at him with confusion.

"Why not? I think Soonyoung likes you. But I like you more." The older said but Jihoon didn't hear the last part clearly.

"What did you say?" the younger asked.

"Nothing. I said why don't you try to confess? It won't be a loss." The older replied.

"No, Seungcheol, my feelings will be gone if I confessed to him and I don't want that to happen." The latter said.

They continued eating their food when someone called Jihoon. It was Soonyoung asking Jihoon if he can walk with him later after school. The latter agreed immediately to the offer of the black-haired guy. Jihoon is whipped, Seungcheol thought.

Later that day, Seungcheol went home first since Jihoon will go with Soonyoung. The younger was inviting Seungcheol to go with them but the older insisted on going home first. He doesn't want to interrupt them. He doesn't want to see them be sweet to each other.

Seungcheol likes Jihoon for so long. He tried to make it obvious by being more affectionate but the younger was too dense he only sees it as a friendly action. Or maybe Jihoon was too busy finding someone who loves him but he didn't see the person in front of him that is deeply in love with him.

Lee Jihoon is very dense. Seungcheol tried to confess once but it was a wrong timing. Since then, he didn’t try to confess to the younger again. Now, he’s contented with the relationship he has with Jihoon.

Seungcheol thinks Soonyoung likes Jihoon back. He noticed how Soonyoung looks at Jihoon every time. How he smiles when the latter is there. Every actions he made, Seungcheol thinks there's love in there. Because that's how Seungcheol was when he's with Jihoon. All those butterflies in his stomach, fast heart beats and incomparable happiness when the younger is near him. Those are the things Seungcheol experienced and still experiencing because of love. His love for Jihoon. Did he already mention how the time stops whenever he sees Jihoon? Everything is in slow motion.

He feels love and pain when he's with Jihoon. Pain because the younger can't see how Seungcheol loves him. He can't see that there's someone that loves him more than he loves Ailee, Jisoo or even Soonyoung. Jihoon is too blind to see that and it's killing Seungcheol.


Soonyoung insisted on walking Jihoon home. At first Jihoon doesn't agreed but the shorter eventually said yes. The ride to their home was long but they made it short by talking about anything. Jihoon talks about his experience when going home while the latter also shared his.  

He found out Soonyoung lives near their house. 

"The three of us should stay overnight at Seungcheol's. He got the best bedroom!" The shorter suggested. When they're young they usually have sleepover in the older's house.

"Sure! That will be a good thing, I'll look forward to that." The black-haired said.

They reached Jihoon's house for almost ten minutes of walking. The shorter offered Soonyoung to go inside their house for a snack but the latter refused saying he needs to go home already.

Before bidding goodbye, Soonyoung asked if they can go home together tomorrow. Jihoon agreed and promise he'll make Seungcheol go with them. Jihoon went inside their house as the other walked to his house.

It was a great day and he really can't wait for tomorrow. Jihoon is really sure he likes Kwon Soonyoung and it feels good. Too good he doesn't want to say it to Soonyoung too afraid to lose his feelings for the latter. The deeper he falls for Soonyoung, the more pain he will experience. He hates this, he hates what's happening to him right now.

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