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Jihoon, can we talk?” He was eating with Seungcheol and his friends when Soonyoung called him.

About what, Soonyoung? Can’t we talk about it later? I’m still eating.” he replied and Soonyoung agreed. The black-haired said he’ll wait for him at the library.

Jihoon finished his lunch as fast as he can. He felt like Soonyoung was about to say something important to him. He said goodbye to Seungcheol and Wonwoo that are still eating.

He immediately went to the library and saw Soonyoung reading a book. “Soons!” He called the other.

Ji!” Soonyoung greeted back.

What do you want to talk about?” Jihoon asked.

Soonyoung gulped before saying a word. “Promise me you'll still treat me the same after I said this to you.” he said and Jihoon nodded.

First of all, I think you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. You look like an angel. Jihoon, I like you. Since the first time I’ve seen you. I can’t stop thinking about you. Even when I’m sleeping, I think about you. You don’t need to like me back. I just want you to accept my feelings.” Soonyoung said and breathe deep after.

Jihoon can’t believe what is happening right now. Does Soonyoung really confess his feelings for him? Is he not dreaming?

Kwon Soonyoung likes him back! He thinks he’s the happiest man on Earth. This is the first time someone confesses to him. Is Soonyoung his soulmate? Is his disease already gone now? He can’t think straight all he knew was their feelings are mutual.

This is not a dream, right?” he asked the taller and Soonyoung nodded. “Oh God, I like you too Soonyoung. I can’t believe this is happening! Thank you!” the shorter exclaimed.

Jihoon hugged Soonyoung and the latter hugged him back. Many people are staring at them but they don't care, as long as they’re happy.  

Later that day, Soonyoung walked Jihoon home again. They walked hand in hand. The two of them can’t describe how happy they are. They are not boyfriends yet but they are happy being like this.


See you, tomorrow.” Soonyoung said and planted a kiss on Jihoon’s cheek without any warning. The taller ran away after doing that leaving the shorter speechless.

Jihoon woke up very happy the next day. He can’t wait to see Soonyoung. He has never been so happy. He can’t believe his disease was already gone.

He prepared to go to school and get any clothes that will make him comfortable.

Soonyoung was the first thing he finds when he got to school. He saw the man waving at him and he waved back. “Jihoon! How was your night?” Soonyoung asked with a wide smile.

Jihoon’s smile faded when he felt something was not the same. The feelings weren’t there. His feelings for Soonyoung was gone.

He didn’t know what happened, he knew his disease was gone because of Soonyoung. He thought he can be happy because of Soonyoung. Maybe he’s wrong. Maybe he can’t find his soulmate. Soonyoung isn’t the right one for him. He wants to cry; he wants to be happy.  But why does this disease preventing him to feel that? He always thinks life is unfair, now he has proven it already.

He didn’t attend his classes and went home. He called Seungcheol to come to their house. He wants someone to comfort him. And the best person he thinks is Seungcheol.

The older rushed his way to the younger’s house, Jihoon do nothing but to cry and cry on Seungcheol’s shoulders. After hours of crying and comforting, Jihoon fell asleep on the older’s shoulder. He wants to protect Jihoon. He wants him to be happy. Jihoon had a hard time because of that disease and he’s willing to do anything for him.

Seungcheol stayed with Jihoon until he also fell asleep beside the younger.

There are ONLY TWO ways to cure the disease: 
1. Surgery. When the surgery is conducted the disease will be completely gone but the patient will not fall in love again
2. Confession. Not just a confession but a confession from the patient’s soulmate only. The patient cannot see the string that connects them to their soulmate but their soulmate does.

Later that night, Seungcheol woke up and noticed a red string that connects him and Jihoon.  

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