like a cat ; kuroo

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song : like a cat - AOA
ooc kuroo


you say you've never seen a girl like me before
that you had a feeling as soon as you saw me
said that i especially shined even among the many people

kuroo's eyes followed a certain (h/c) haired girl as she walked across the room to sit on the vacant sofa. it felt as if everyone else had vanished once his eyes landed on her.

she was captivating, beautiful, had an aura not many girls have. add that with the way she stared back at kuroo with that flirtatious look in her eyes, he knew he was done for. he had fallen, hard, for a girl he doesn't even know the name of.

sighing loudly, kuroo turned in his chair and rested his head on the counter, causing the barista - who also happened to be one of his best friends - to chuckle. "bro, what's up? you seem down, and that's kinda rare, y'know," bokutp said, placing both his hands across from where kuroo had rested his head.

groaning, kuroo looked up at the white / black haired male with watery eyes. "brokuto..." he whined. "what do you do when you fall in love with someone you don't even know?"

bokuto laughed. his expression then softened into a smile and he leaned forward so he could hear kuroo better and vice versa. "which one, hm?" he asked, gesturing to the many girls in the cafe, all sitting and enjoying their coffee, some talking with each other.

your head turns to look at me, your eyes are filled with me
seeing you hesitating to talk to me is so cute

kuroo turned towards the girl who was on her phone while sitting on the couch. bokuto followed his gaze and when he realized who kuroo was looking at, he grinned and tapped the other's shoulder, earning his attention.

"y'know, i actually know her personally," bokuto said, causing kuroo's eyes to widen. "she's my team's manager. pretty, right? her name's (y/n) (l/n). go get 'er, tiger,"

nodding, kuroo gathered up all his courage as he stood up. he felt the adrenaline pump through his veins as he started to walk closer to the girl known as (y/n), and his heartbeat quickened when she turned to look at him, straight in the eye. kuroo kept his calm and cool facade to - hopefully - impress her.

once kuroo was already standing next to the sitting girl, he felt his confidence go way up, and he was back to being the good old flirtatious kuroo. he smirked as he looked down at the girl who stared back up expecantly.

"h-hey, mind if i sit here?" kuroo asked, mentally facepalming himself for stuttering even though he just felt confident in himself less than three seconds ago.

(y/n) laughed, and it warmed kuroo's heart even more. her smile was perfect, her teeth were perfect, the way her nose scrunched up when laughing was perfect. everything about her was perfect for him, even though he had just seen her for the first time.

finally, (y/n) smiled up at the tall male from where she was sitting. "it's fine. it's not everyday i get someone as attractive as you to accompany me at these types of places," she said nonchalantly, causing kuroo to blush suddenly.

kuroo sat down beside her coolly, while (y/n) crossed one leg over the other and faced him, her warm smile still visible. "might i ask what your name is?" she asked.

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