spring breeze ; oikawa

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song : spring breeze - wanna one


after you and i met
we became a miracle

after his team lost to karasuno, oikawa became scared and of course, sad. sad because it would be his last time he played with his team, and scared because he might lose his precious girlfriend because of it. though he knew he'd lose her either way.

he had promised her countless times that they would win - not that she cared -, but now, after the match that they had lost, he couldn't even begin to imagine how disappointed she might be in him. of course, he tried to think positively and thought that (y/n) wouldn't mind. that was true, but there was something else that made losing even more hurtful than this match being his last.

it was the fact that (y/n) only had a few more days to live.

if oikawa and the other had won, she'd at least breath her last breathe knowing the team she had oh-so adored won this important match that she had been dying to watch. but of course, she couldn't, knowing that her condition was worsening.

now, oikawa was walking towards the hospital where(y/n) was treated to visit her. he walked slowly, still dejected and upset by the fact that he'll have to leave his teammates - and (y/n) - soon. his tears had already dried, but the stains were still there, so he looked down as he walked to prevent them from being seen.

once oikawa had reached the hospital and was on the floor where (y/n)'s room was, he was shocked to see so many nurses and doctors rushing around. his heart pounded against his chest when he noticed that they were actually rushing in and out of (y/n)'s room.

with wide eyes that were starting to become wet again, oikawa quickly rushed over to (y/n)'s room, which had several nurses and a doctor in it. when he turned around, he saw (y/n)'s family sitting on the chairs in front of her room, all of them crying.

(y/n)'s mother was the first to notice him, and she stood up before shakily walking towards him as she sobbed. she opened her arms wide and hugged oikawa tightly, crying against the crook of his neck as oikawa rubbed her back gently, his tears falling down his cheeks.

he watched as his girlfriend's father stood up as well, walking over to them. he stood there with his tears falling. oikawa bit his lip to prevent his sobs from coming out. "d-don't tell me..." he said quietly, voice cracking, although he already knew the answer.

(y/n)'s father nodded, clearly trying to hold in his sobs as well. oikawa's tears fell more profusely, and he finally let his sobs escape his lips.

everything seems like a dream
i can see clearly

it's been around three months since (y/n) (l/n)'s funeral, and oikawa still can't accept the fact that she's gone. sometimes he'd get the urge to call or text her, and just before he does, he'd remember. every week, he'd visit her grave and place different flowers, then he'd sit down and tell her about all the things she had missed. well, all but one.

oikawa sighed sadly as he placed the bouquet of (f/flower) on her grave before sitting down in front of it, reading the writing of her name which was carved on the gravestone. he wiped away his tears before looking up at the slightly cloudy sky.

"you know, (n/n)-chan," he began, voice cracking only the slightest bit. "i really miss you." his voice was barely a whisper.

his gaze moved to the bouquet he had recently placed. "are you happy up there? i bet you are," he said, smiling bitterly. "i wish i could join you."

oikawa placed his arms behind him and leaned against them, looking back up at the sky. sighing, he closed his eyes. "i still can't believe you're gone. can't you come back for a while? don't you miss me too?" he asked shakily, tears already falling from his eyes.

"you should've been there to congratulate me on graduation day. to congratulate me on being accepted in my dream college," he sobbed quietly, reaching and wiping his eyes. "i even got into the same college as iwa-chan. isn't that great?"

he chuckled bitterly. "it could've been great, (y/n)-chan. if only you were here, too."

taking a deep breath, oikawa continued with his story. "iwa-chan says he misses you, too. we still talk a lot, and he still calls me trashykawa," he paused, glanced at (y/n)'s gravestone, then looked back up at the sky. "just like you did." he whispered.

i keep regretting
that i couldn't be better to you

oikawa remembered. "you know, (n/n)-chan?" he asked to the wind, receiving the breeze as an answer. "i... we lost to karasuno that day. i was so scared to tell you," he trailed off, sobbing.

he continously wiped at his eyes, but his tears kept coming. after a while, though, his sobs died down, and he looked back up at the sky, hoping that (y/n) was looking back down at him and not laughing at how ugly his crying face looked.

taking a deep breath, oikawa smiled sadly.

"...but i didn't even get to tell you."

my heart isn't like that,
i've always wanted to be by your side.

dedicated to whatsupnekoma

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