@AlexandrinnaM Question and Dare

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Ok guys! The Author said. We have our first question and our first dare!

"Who does it include?" Tails asked.

Well it's a question for me and a dare for Sonic and Ryder but guys are welcome to stay. The Author said.

"I gotta work on the X-Tornado." Tails said.

"And I gotta secure my burrow." Sticks said.

"And I have to help Sticks secure her burrow." Amy said.

"And I gotta work out." Knuckles said.

The Author knew that sounded real but that was real BS but let them go anyway.

"About time my fans wanna interact with me." Sonic said in a smug way.

The Author let Ryder see the dare and he covered his mouth, keeping himself from laughing.

Mhm, your fans sure love you. The author said. But first my question.

The question from AlexandrinnaM is:

"For author-chan, how did you join the fandom or what inspiration made you decide to write books?"

I joined the fandom in an interesting way. When I was a freshmen in highschool, I heard they were planning the Sonic movie. I was skeptical on how they were going to do it. But that kinda sparked my interest into this fandom. And before my knowledge of the movie, I had some brief knowledge of this fandom. The only knowledge I had was anything from the Mario vs Sonic at the Olympic Games (and the winter games). So I knew who the characters were, just not that much about them personality wise. So after the movie sparked my interest, I started hearing about Boom! And so I binged it in about a week and I was hooked.

About me writing...I've always wrote since as long as I could remember. But my inspiration for this book was brought on by me. I have a book in my drafts that has (that I guarantee will NEVER see the light of day) the same plot but instead of (Y/n), it's my OC in it's place. So I thought how would it do if I write it so it's interactive with the reader. I took the chance and it paid off.

Sorry for the long answer!

"Took you long enough." Sonic said.

Your attitude is making me love this dare more. The Author said. Ryder, get my phone.

"Why? What's the dare?" Sonic asked.

"Also, I dare Sonic to wear a maid dress while Ryder films it."

Ryder came back with the Author's phone and he opened the camera, ready to record.

"W-What?!" Sonic exclaimed. "No way in Hell! Do I look like one of her French girls?"

You're half the fandom's french girl. Just get it over with. The Author said.

Sonic wasn't having it. He refused to put it on.

Do I have to use my super Author powers on you? Because I will. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Sonic sighed and accepted defeat, knowing the Author probably would've done terrible things to him if he didn't. "Fine, I'll put the damn dress on."

The Author then snapped her fingers and in a very tame and appropriate maid's dress appeared on him and without Sonic's knowledge, Ryder had started recording.

"Ok, this isn't as bad as I thought." Sonic said.

Well, it's very tame to what other maid's dresses are like....but I can change that...

"No! Please don't!" Sonic yelled. "I hope you're happy, Alexandrinna."

The Author then snapped her fingers again and the dress disappeared off Sonic while Ryder walked away with a huge smile on his face.

"Thank god." Sonic said and noticed Ryder walking away. "Hey, where are you going?"

Ryder stopped in his tracks and made brief eye contact with him before running of the beach and toward the other members' houses. Sonic growled and started to run after him.

"Don't you dare show that to anyone!" Sonic yelled at him.

"Hey guys! Sonic's a french girl now!" Ryder yelled, keeping that head start Sonic unintentionally gave him.

Idiots the Author muttered. Well thank you Alexandrinna! I probably will never hear the end of it. Bring in more questions and dares.

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