22. the boy on that street

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the boy on that street

searching for a place
that could never convey
searching for a home
that never felt the same

my heart is a street
the lamps light it deep
past the trees and the rails
the seats write the braille
of the language that's unspoken
leave me wordless and all shaken
for the people walk past
like my cardboards meet its last
they linger cold on the floor
and they can't take it no more —

belongings spread on concrete
cold burns out my feet
the dollars they give
they pretend: it feeds me
the couple dollars i keep
reminds me of me
the little boy who threw coins
to the hats on the street
thinking it was funny
for grown men to be starving
never thinking it'd be me.

26 May 2019, 11.04pm

be thankful for what you have because having a home is a privilege too.

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