Chapter 4: "The emotional issue"

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No ones POV
You two rushed to a nearby ice cream place. "What flavor would you get?" You asked him as you looked at the flavors. "I want to try watermelon!" He said happily and looked at her. He couldn't help but be super excited. "Watermelon sounds good! I'm thinking of trying (A/F/F) (another favorite flavor)." You said and looked at him feeling excited as well since you're a sucker for sweets. "Ooh, interesting." He nodded and let go of your hand. "Jumin would totally yell at us for eating so many sweets." "Pfft, forget him. Who is he? Our dad?" You asked as you laughed. "He acts like it. But he won't let me see my precious Elly." He sniffled and wiped a nonexistent tear away. "My love." You chuckled and rubbed his back. "If you weren't so attached to Elly, he'll probably would trust you to play with her." "You think?" He asked and pouted cutely. "But I love my Elly so much... I'm not that crazy. If anything Jumin is super crazy." You faked coughed a bit and slowly nodded. "I guess so. But again, you're a little too attached to her, so that maybe the reason why he's keeping you away from her." You chuckled. "That's true, he just can't handle someone else loving her." He huffed and looked up while he walked. "He's jealous." "Maybe he is. But who knows." You shrugged and nodded once again. "I know, he is." He shook his head. "He's a crazy cat lover, that's what he is." "That's actually true. But you kinda are yourself. But at least, not like him. You said, chuckled. "Exactly! Wait..." he huffed and looked at you. "I'm not that crazy, it just seems like it sometimes." He shrugged. You nodded. "Okay, whatever you say. Cat dad." You joked and shrugged. "Cat dad?" He asked surprised and looked at you again. "That's a new one... I actually kind of like it." "Well, I'm glad that you do. I shall call you that for now on! You smiled at him. "If that's alright with you?" You tilted your head. "Of course, I really don't mind." He smiled and shook his head. "I should come up with a nickname for you then." He hummed and tapped his chin. "You really don't have to give me a nickname, Saeyoun- I mean, cat dad." You looked at him and chuckled softly. "How about crazy lady?" He asked and tilted his head to the side. He smiled brightly and ruffled your hair. You giggled. "Crazy lady huh? Okay. I'll show you that who's crazy." You playfully tackled him to the ground and started tickling him. "No!" He laughed and tried to move away from you. "Leave me alone! Stop tickling me!" He begged and laughed more. You stopped tickling him. "I'm glad to know that you're ticklish." You smiled and nodded as you giggled. He gasped and looked at you. "You're evil!" He whined and got up. He stretched and pouted cutely. You got up also. "Awe. Don't be like that! It's a good thing~!  You chuckled as you looked at his cute pouty face. "You're so cute when you pout~!" You playfully pinched his cheeks. "It is not." He huffed and shook his head. "How is that a good thing?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. You tapped your chin thinking. "Hmm.. well.. it's because I can tickle you all I want! And because it shows that you have a heart when you laugh. Doesn't it feel good when you laugh? I mean, I know that for a fact that you joke a lot." You said and crossed your arms while looking at him. "I... I don't know." He mumbled and chewed on his bottom lip. He wasn't used to laughing this much in real life. He put this fake persona on around the others. You frowned as he said that. "What do you mean, you don't know..?" You looked at him confused and worried. "I mean, it does feel good." He nodded and laughed lightly. It was forced though. But he knew how to act. You still frowned. You could sense that something is wrong. "You don't have to lie, you know.." "I'm not lying." He cleared his throat and turned away from you. He didn't want you to see him right now. "I should probably go home." "Oh.. alright.." you trailed off, feeling like it was your fault at this point. "I should go home aswell. Going to be busy, making plans for future parties." You said, knowing that it's irrelevant, but needs make an excuse. "Okay," He whispered and walked away. He started to walked to his house and he sighed softly. He knew he was being harsh. You nodded as you watched him walk away. You started walking to your apartment and feeling devastated. He glanced back while he walked and sighed. He knew he messed up. But he didn't have time to worry. You sighed as you kept walking. "I was being to nosy? This is my fault.. I didn't mean to make Saeyoung feel bad.." you said to yourself and kept walking to your apartment. He glanced at his phone and walked inside the house. He sighed softly. He had been sighing a lot lately. That was something he needed to break.

Your POV
After a long walk inside my apartment. I threw myself on the couch while hugging the stuffed cat that Saeyoung got me. I sighed. "Why am I such a fool?" I asked myself, still hugging the stuffed cat. "I feel so bad. Really bad.. poor Saeyoung.." I teared up a bit, sniffled and washed up my tears before It falls from my face. I sighed again. "I should text him to see if he's okay." I takes my phone out, texts him to ask if he's doing alright, I'm sorry" and send. I put my phone down. And rested my head on the sofa pillow.

Saeyoung's POV
I checked my phone and sighed softly. I shook my head and hesitated before texting her back. I knew that I had made her mad and I didn't mean to.
'It's okay... you didn't do anything wrong..'

No ones POV
You checked your phone and softly sighed as you read his message. You responded back. 'Are you sure? I made you upset back there..' 'You didn't make me upset' He pressed send and leaned back in his chair. He wanted to see you again and apologize. 'But the way you acted like I did. I'm really sorry Saeyoung.'  You send the message. You're still hugging the stuffed cat, because it reminds you of Saeyoung. You missed him deeply. You wants to cuddle with him, but you know that it won't happen. So you imagined him next you. You softly kissed the cat's head and softly sniffed. 'I'm telling you, you didn't do anything wrong'
He groaned and rubbed his face. He wished that he wasn't so hard on you. He sighed softly and called you quickly. You got surprised that he's calling you, you immediately picked up the phone. "Hello?" You asked softly and a bit broken from the crying. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything like that... I just... I got all defensive for no reason," he said a little quickly and he bit his lip. "No.. it's my fault for making you feel like that. You shouldn't blame yourself. I should be the one to blame. I'm the one that should be sorry.." you said, still sad about what happened. Still hugging the stuffed cat. "You really didn't do anything wrong." He sighed softly and rubbed his neck. "I'll swing by your place. I want to apologize in person." You smiled a bit, you sighed and nodded. "Okay. But you don't have to. It's not that necessary." "Too late, I'm bringing some snacks too." He chuckled and walked out to his garage to hop in his car. "Alright." You chuckled and hung up. You sighed and smiled to yourself. I can't believe he's coming!" You jumped with joy and sat back on the couch. "I better clean up first.." you  said, as you got back up and heads to the kitchen. He glanced at the stereo and hummed quietly. He wouldn't admit it to himself but he was super excited about seeing you again. You went to kitchen, threw away some junk off of the table and counters since you forgot to take the junk out because you're lazy. After all of that. You went back to the living room, you turns on the tv, sat on the couch watching tv while waiting for him. You're pretty happy that you're going to see him again. He parked the car and looked over at your house. "I've got this," He mumbled and nodded. He let out shaky sigh and licked his lips. "Why am I so nervous?"

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