Chapter 8: "The morning call"

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No ones POV
He grabbed his phone and answered you. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" He asked and slurped up some more noodles.  "Oh, nothing.. just bored. Nothing to do in this little apartment." You chuckled. "What about you?" You asked him back. "Just eating some noodles." He licked his lips and took a sip of his water. "Yummy," he mumbled and smiled softly. "Yay! You're finally eating something different!" You smiled and cheered. "I'm glad!" You said Enthusiastically. "Yeah yeah," he mumbled and chuckled. "You're so sassy sometimes." He shook his head and continued eating his noodles. "I'm not that sassy. I'm serious!" You giggled and nodded as you kept smiling. You loves talking to him, so you're so happy inside and out. "I know, don't worry about me though..." he finished eating his noodles and he drank the rest of his water. "I'm healthy." "iM hEaLtHy." You playfully mocked him and chuckled. "Okay, just because you got a good body, doesn't mean you are. All you eat is chips and soda. I'm surprised you're eating something else." You joked and blushed a bit about what you said. "You think I have a good body?" He wiggled his eyebrows and walked over to his computer. He sat down and started working again. You blushed more as he said that. "Maybe..?" You said in confusion and embarrassment. "Why thank you... that's something I don't really like to admit," he said and chuckled. He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. "But it's true tho. Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're more better looking than Zen." You accidentally slipped that out and facepalmed yourself really hard. 'Why did I just say that??' You thought to yourself. "Woah, w-wait... better than Zen?" He blushed a bright red and continued working. He wasn't thinking about how much harm just being with him could put you in. You hummed at his response. "Mhm. T-That's right.." you still can't stop blushing, your face is now overheating and red. "It's pretty true.." "Thank you, that really does mean a lot to me," he mumbled and took a sip of his water. He licked his lips. "Of course." You said softly and nodded, you decided to change the subject since it's kinda awkward. "I assume that you're pretty busy huh?" You asked. "Yeah, I've got a lot of work to do." He yawned and rubbed his neck. "I'm so tense, it's crazy." He shook his head. "Awe.. I feel really bad. You work your butt off and don't get any sleep.. I wish I can do something about it.." you said in a soft tone and feeling sad at the moment. "It's okay, I promise. What I do... it's tough stuff." He mumbled and laid his head on his desk. He groaned and closed his eyes. "I believe it.. you poor thing.." you wanted to help him so bad and doesn't want to feel useless. "Do you want me to come over to your place or something? I don't mind helping you out." You offered him. "No, it's probably better that you don't come over... we have to figure some things out over here first," he mumbled and cleared his throat. He couldn't risk Vanderwood seeing you. "Awe... alright. Are you sure? I don't mean helping you.." you said in a soft tone and pouted a little. You really wants to help him, but you knows that he's stubborn. "I promise I'm okay." He looked at the computer screen and sighed softly. Why wasn't this going any faster? He could usually get these things done in a few hours but now it was taking so long. "Okay.. I really hope so." You said and nodded. You sat the couch and laid down. "What are you up to?" He asked and finished working on the project. He was getting closer to finishing. "Ah, nothing really.. just eating chips, that's all." You starting to munch on a chip and shrugged. "What about you?" You asked back. "Just working on stuff for my job." He shrugged and continued working. "I'm almost done thankfully." "I'm glad that you're almost done!" You smiled through the phone and nodded. "What are you going to do after you're done?" "I don't really know." He chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Maybe take a nap for 13 hours..." he yawned and looked at the screen. "Awe.. you sounded cute when you yawn. You're really tired.. you poor soul." You said and kept eating more chips. "I'm used to it, don't worry. You just make sure to stay healthy." He smiled softly when you called him cute. "I'll try to be." You chuckled. "I hope you stay healthy as well." You said and smiled to yourself. "Don't worry, I will be healthy." He just wanted to be there with you and cuddle with you. He had never felt this way before. "I hope so... I guess I should let you go?" You asked him, feeling like you're pulling him back from work, but you really loved talking to him. "No, keep talking to me. I'm... a little lonely." He felt embarrassed admitting that but he was. He wanted to keep talking to you. "Oh, you don't have to tell me twice!" You said with glee. "But awe.. someone like you shouldn't be so lonely." You said being a little bit flirty right now. "What about your maid? Mary Vanderwhat-not?" He noticed that she was being flirty, he ignored the part you asked about "Ms." Vanderwood and he chuckled. "You being flirty is adorable," he mumbled and ruffled his hair. You smiled softly. "Thank you. Not adorable as you~!" You mumbled softly and chuckled. "You're more adorable." He caught himself and frowned. "I... forget I said that," he said quickly. You blushed a bit. "Wait, y-you think I'm adorable?" You shyly asked. "Of course I do." He stretched his arms and started to walk around in his room. He yawned and looked at some of the pictures of the two you. "Wow. I'm pretty speechless that you think so.." you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. 'I can't believe that he thinks I'm cute!' You thought to yourself.  He sighed softly and sat down on the couch. He ran his fingers through his hair and licked his lips. "I'm sorry... I know I'm being weird." "No! You're not being weird at all! Don't say that about yourself. I'm just surprised that all!" You tried to cheer him up, you didn't mean to make him feel bad. You're really surprised that he ever called you cute. "I'm glad," he chuckled and hugged a pillow. "I'm really not used to acting like this, I hope you know that." "I know." You giggled. "You're pretty adorable when you're being a bit flirty, I'm still surprised." "Am not." he blushed and shook his head. He forgot that you couldn't see him. "I'm just being weird that's all." "You're not being weird. What makes you say that?" You asked him, you ran your fingers through your (H/C) (H/L) hair. "I've just never been this way before so I'm not used to it." He laid back on the couch and closed his eyes. He slowly started to fall asleep. "Oh, that makes sense... I like this side of you though.." you mumbled and sighed. "You do? You didn't like the other side of me?" He asked and pouted. "Well that's not very nice of you." "No! That's not what I mean!" You whined and chuckled a bit. "I love every side of you Saeyoung." "Really?" He smiled shyly and looked down at his lap. He didn't know what to say or do now. He wasn't used to stuff like this. "Yes, really." You giggled and smiled. "I love everything about you." "You're just trying to make me shy, huh?" He chuckled and covered his face with his hands. You tapped your chin as you're thinking. "Maybe~. But I'm just saying the truth~" you nodded and giggled again. "You meanie." He mumbled and shook his head. He moved his hands and smiled softly. You had that effect on him. You chuckled at his embarrassment behavior. "Awe, I'm not that mean!" You said with her baby voice. "Are too." he mumbled and blushed when you did your baby voice. That was his weakness. "How so~?" You continued doing your baby voice. You could tell that he liked you doing that voice. "Don't do that." he whined and covered his face with a pillow so his voice was muffled. "You know I can't handle your baby voice." "Awe~! You admitted that you love my baby voice! How adorable is that!" You said with your normal voice and starting giggling. "I didn't! I take it back! Stop teasing me!" He begged and whined. He hated being teased like that. You kept giggling. "I'm not teasing you! I just find that cute, that's all." You nodded. "Are too.." His voice was still muffled and he didn't bother to move the pillow so he could talk properly. "Don't be like that Saeyoung, you like it~" you teased him again and chuckled mischievously. "Maybe I do but I'm not going to just admit that." He mumbled shyly and pouted. "But you kinda did~." You said with your baby voice again and you kept chuckling. "Ugh, Fine. You win again." He huffed and shook his head. He moved the pillow so he could talk clearly. "Yay~!" You cheered. "I never thought you would give up so easily~"

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