Chapter 11: "You done fucked up Saeyoung."

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Saeyoung's POV
I set my phone aside and shook my head. I sighed softly and continued working. I was so close to finishing my work and I just wanted it to be done. Vanderwood went to check on me in the room to make sure I'm doing work. He didn't say anything but leaned on the side of the door, watching me while eating spinach chips. I set the bag down and finished working. "Done! I did it!" I looked back at Vanderwood. I had finally finished my work. He shook his head. "Good job." He said in a calm tone while eating the chips, and surprising gave me a thumbs up. I looked at him surprised. "Did you really give me a thumbs up?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Woah." "What? You never seen someone give you a thumbs up before?" He asked and rolled his eyes as he kept eating the chips. "No, not you!" I yelled and pouted cutely. "You're so mean to me, I've never gotten your approval." I mumbled and huffed. "Oh, cmon. I wasn't that mean to you." He shook his head and yawned. "You were actually." I mumbled and pouted. "You can be really mean and you know it so don't act surprised." He sarcastically puts his hand on his chest. "Oh, I didn't know that? Such a shocker." He said in a mocking tone and rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to do my job Zero Seven. God." "Asshole." I mumbled and rolled my eyes. I sighed softly and focused on the computer. "Let's see..." He gave me a glare. "What did you just say under your breath? You better not be talking shit." He slowly took a taser and is a about to press it. "I said asshole!" I said loudly and started to scroll through his computer. "There's nothing to do now." There's where at this moment that Saeyoung realized, he fucked up. He got so surprised and got really mad. He had nothing to say, but ran up to him and tased him. I grunted and slid to the ground. "S-stop it." I begged and clenched my fists. I had messed up. "Next time, don't try to talk shit." He walked out of room, going to get something. I laid on the ground and curled up in a ball. "Oh my god that was the worst experience ever." Tears filled my eyes. Vanderwood came back with an ice pack and tossed it at me while I'm on the ground. "You'll be fine." "You..." I stayed quiet and pouted cutely. "What the hell." I shook my head and whined. He rolled his eyes. "Do you need help?" He offered me. He doesn't want me to on the ground to that long. Even though he tased me, but lowkey feels bad. "No." I said quietly and shook my head. I pushed myself up and groaned. "You're absolutely terrible." I grunted in pain. "You deserve it. Just go get some rest since you finished work." He shook his head and sighed. "Thanks." I started to walk to the bedroom and I groaned. "He's so mean sometimes." I plopped down on the bed.

Vanderwood's POV
I sighed as he walked away. "He's such an idiot." I mumbled to myself and turned at Saeyoung's desk and noticed the he had empty chip bags and soda around the computer. "Oh my fucking god. Are you serious? He's so lazy.." I groaned as I left the room to get some trash bags then comes back with them and cleaned up everything. "Why do I always end up being his maid? He never cleans up after himself." I groaned.

Saeyoung's POV
I had quickly fallen asleep after crawling up under the covers. I was completely exhausted after pulling all nighters.

Vanderwood's POV
I went to his room about to say something to him, then realized that he feel asleep. I sighed while shaking my head and left the room, shutting the door behind me.

Saeyoung's POV
I was sleeping peacefully after doing the work. I had a peaceful sleep where I didn't really have any dreams.

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