Chapter 10: "Texting about our problems."

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Saeyoung's POV
Vanderwood came back with some groceries and sighed to himself. "SEVEN!" He shouted my name. Saeyoung looked over and rolled my eyes. "Damn, he's back." I mumbled annoyed and rolled my eyes again. "Yes?!" "Come help me with the groceries! I know you're being lazy in that little room, so come here!" He shouted again as he puts the groceries in the kitchen. "I'm not being lazy." I huffed and stood up. "I'm coming though." I stood up and went to help him with the groceries. "I'm not being lazy." I huffed and stood up. "I'm coming though." I stood up and went to help him with the groceries. "I hope not." He sighed and started putting the groceries away to different places. "Did you finish your work though?" He asked me. "I'm a bit closer." I avoided looking at him and cleared my throat. "Don't worry it'll be done soon." I set the bags down. "Alright, good." He said as kept putting the food away. "Can you help with the food, will you?" "Yeah yeah." I helped him put the food away and I glanced at the chips. My stomach growled and grabbed the bag of chips. He slapped the bag out of my hands. "Stop eating that junk and eat something else! That's why I bought groceries for this reason." He gave me spinach chips. "Eat these instead." "Spinach chips?" I asked and frowned. I looked at them and then back up at him. "Umm, Where did you even find these horrible things?" "From the store. Duh." He answered my question as he grabbed a water bottle, he opened it and took a sip of it. "Just try them for once. They're healthy for you." "Okay." I shrugged and opened the bag. I popped one in my mouth and immediately frowned but I didn't say anything. "Are you good?" He asked and he noticed that I frowned. But still wanted to know. "Yeah." I nodded and continued eating them even though I hated them. I walked back to my desk and checked my work. He watched him walking away and nodded. "Alright." He headed to go the garage, going to smoke. He's going to get lung cancer soon rip. I glanced at my phone and pouted cutely. "I really need to apologize... she's not going to forgive me." I groaned and rubbed my face.

Your POV
I was watching tv, with few blankets, and a tub of ice cream. I took a scoop of ic cream, and eats it. I still feel emotional about what happened, but trying to forget about it. I sighed and took another scoop.

Saeyoung's POV
I quickly texted her and made sure Vanderwood wasn't around.
'I'm really sorry...'
I sighed softly and waited for her to respond now. I hoped she would forgive me.

Your POV
I heard a ding from my phone. I checked my phone and read his message. I looked at it for a while. "Should I forgive him?" I asked myself. But responded. 'Oh, its okay. I forgive you.'

Saeyoung's POV
I looked at the message and I couldn't help but smile brightly. 'Really? Thank you so much!' I danced around in my seat. "Yay!"

Your POV
I smiled at his reply. 'Of course. I'm sorry that made you snap..' I still felt bad about what happened.

Saeyoung's POV
'You didn't do anything wrong' I responded quickly and looked at my phone again. I was waiting for her to reply again.

Your POV
'What do you mean? You yelled. So of course I did something wrong.' I responded back and sighed.

Saeyoung's POV
'No, I was just getting too worked up over nothing... I'm really sorry.'
I groaned and rubbed my face. I knew that I had messed up. Now she thought that I hated her.

Your POV
'No, I forgive you. Really. You shouldn't be pressuring yourself.' I put my head down and  takes another scoop of ice cream.

Saeyoung's POV
'It was my fault that, so please don't tell me it wasn't'
I didn't want her to feel like she had to say it was okay if it wasn't. She deserved better than that.

Your POV
'But still, you shouldn't be doing that to yourself.'
Even though he says that it's his fault, you didn't want him to feel like he's the bad guy.

Saeyoung's POV
I sighed and tried not to chuckle. She was the cutest thing in the world. I absolutely loved texting her.

Your POV
'Well, because I don't want you to get hurt! It's not healthy for you to be stressed. You do that all because of work.'
I lightly chuckled and nodded. He's such a dork. That's what I loved about him.

Saeyoung's POV
'Yeah, it's my job'
I pressed send and chuckled. I shook my head and spun around in my chair. "Damn..."

Your POV
'I.. I have nothing to say to that.' I responded back. "What?" I thought to myself.

Saeyoung's POV
'My job is very stressful but it requires all my attention so yes. My job is to be stressed'
I knew that I wasn't making any sense but to me it made some sense at least.

Your POV
'I can tell. You do have a stressful job. I give you credit for all the sleepless nights.' I got worried about him again. I couldn't help the fact that I do.

Saeyoung's POV
'Thanks, now please please stop worrying because I know you're still worrying'
I texted her back immediately and blushed a bright red. I didn't know why I was blushing.

Your POV
'But why..? I'm worried, because I care. Is that a bad thing?' I texted him back. Yes, I'm still worried, but you can't blame me. He's important to me.

Saeyoung's POV
'No, it's just I don't want you to worry about me. I don't deserve it.'
I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. "She's so stubborn, she's not going to listen to me at all."

Your POV
'Yes, you deserve it! I'll always worry about you. Even if you like it or not. You're important to the rfa. Even me. And you saying that you don't want me to worry, makes me really sad. And I have been noticing that you're not being yourself lately. It's like something's bothering you.' My senses was so strong that it's bothering me. I care so much that I want to know what's wrong.

Saeyoung's POV
I read the text message and sighed softly. She knew everything about me and I didn't understand. How could she figure me out that easily?

Your POV
I sighed and felt guilty. "I think I'm being too emotional.. but this feeling is bothering me so much.. I just want to know what's wrong.." I said as I put my hands on my face.

Saeyoung's POV
'I'm okay'
I continued working and I started to eat the nasty chips again. "These are absolutely terrible... he just had to buy these."

Your POV
'Are you sure? You don't seem like it.'
I continued eating more ice cream. I started to overthink. About him. I want him to be okay, but it's obvious that's he's not.

Saeyoung's POV
'I'm sure'
I didn't want her worrying about me but everything I did made her worry. "This feels so weird." I spun around in my chair again. I couldn't focus.

Your POV
'Okay.. I really hope so...'
I could still feel like there's something is wrong. But doesn't want to anger him again. But sighed in defeat. "I wish he could just tell me what's wrong... why does he hide it? Poor thing.."

Saeyoung's POV
I continued spinning around in my chair and frowned. "What do I do? What do I do?" I groaned and rubbed my face. "What the hell."

Your POV
I sighed again and kept eating more ice cream. "I need to start going on a diet.. but this ice cream is so good.." I said as I started slugged my body into the couch, feeling disappointed and lazy. "Why.. god why.."

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