Chapter 5: "Hanging at your place"

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No ones POV
You're still watching, then you got bored, you grabbed your phone texted him 'Are you here yet?' Then send. Saeyoung walked up to your house and knocked on the door. His heart was pounding and he nervously cleared his throat. You heard a knock on the door, you flinched and turned to the door, you gotten up to answer the door. As you got behind the door, you took a deep breathe. "You got this. You got this." You said quietly and opened the door. "Hey, Saeyoung!" You smiled to see him here. "Hi!" He smiled brightly and held up a big bag of Honey Buddha Chips. "I have some Ph D. Pepper too!" He looked at you and his heart started racing again. You were driving him crazy without even knowing it. You giggled. "Awesome!" You moved out of the way for him to walk in. "Come on in!" "Okay." He walked inside your apartment and went to the kitchen. He set the soda and chips down. "What movie should we watch?" He asked. "Hmm.. What kind of movie do you want to watch? I got another comedy movie to watch." You said as you shrugged. "Comedy." He said without hesitating and he finished getting everything ready. He grabbed some blankets for you two. "Alright." You said as you nodded and headed to the living room, setting up the movie. He sat down on the couch and looked over at you. "I got all the snacks and everything so you just have to pick a movie." "I know. I already picked a movie, so we're good." You said, finally picked a movie. The movie is about to start. "The movie is about to start." You said and sat down next to him. "Okay." He smiled and pulled you close to him. He didn't know what he was doing but he couldn't help himself. You looked at him surprised, you didn't expect that. But you smiled brightly at him and blushed a bit. He focused on the tv and nervously glanced at you. "Is this okay?" He asked quietly and cleared his throat. You nodded. "Yes, this is okay." You blushed more and nervous looked away. Your heart can't stop pounding. You're trying to keep your cool, but it's almost impossible for you. "Okay." He nodded and tried to focus on the movie but it was so hard for him to do that with her next to him like this. The movie finally started. "It's starting!" You said with joy. "I'll try not to distract myself this time." You joked and chuckled softly. "Yup." He laughed and shook his head. "You ruined it last time~" he teased and looked over at you. He reached for your hand but stopped himself. You didn't notice that he tried to reach for her hand. You playfully rolled your eyes. "I know. But I loved messing with you." You teased him and nodded. You poked his cheek. "Boop." He sat back and pouted cutely. "You're such a bully." He focused on the movie and set his hands on his lap. "Am not." You whined and chuckled to yourself and turned to the movie. "Yes." He nodded and tried to focus on the movie. But he couldn't. Something about sitting next to you distracted him. "Hmph." You pouted like a child and you repeatedly poked his hip for the fun of it. You're trying to focus on the movie, but couldn't. Your feelings for Saeyoung is so unbearable that it's almost taking over your feelings. He looked over at you and pouted. "Stop poking me!" He whined and moved away on the couch. He tried to focus on the movie again. You made a sad pouty face, and turned at the movie again. "Sorry.." You said in soft tone and crossed your arms. "It's okay," he said quietly and glanced at you. He bit the inside of his cheek and pushed his hair back. "I'll get the snacks that you left in the kitchen. I'll be right back." You said as you got up from the couch, and heads to the kitchen to get the snacks. "Okay." He nodded and watched you. He sighed in relief and covered his face with his hands. "Oh god..."

Your POV
As I headed to the kitchen. I rested my head on the table and puts my hands on my head. "Why am I embarrassing myself? I'm such an idiot. There's no way that he likes me. I hurt his feelings earlier, But I'm surprised that he came to see me after what happened. I still feel really bad." I whispered to myself and sighed. "I just want to hug him, maybe kiss him.. but how could I ask him? Or just do it.. I don't know anymore. I'm not an expert.. I can't do it.." I facepalmed. "Why am such a fool..? I love him so much, I hope you knows that.. but I know that for a fact that he doesn't feel the same way.. I'm such a coward." I said as I grabbed the snacks from the table and heads to the living room. "I'm back with the snacks." I said and sat down next to him.

No ones POV
He looked over at you and smiled softly. "Great, let's eat." He chuckled and reached for the snacks. "So how are you?" He asked suddenly and nibbled on some chips and took a sip of his soda. "Oh, I'm alright.. thank you for asking. What about you? How are you doing?" You asked him as you opened a bag of chips and eats some. "I'm good." He nodded and cleared his throat. He took another sip of his soda and set it down on the small coffee table. "Are you sure?" You asked him again and tilting your head. "Yeah." He nodded and licked his lips. "I'm good," he repeated and glanced at you. "We missed the movie again." "Oh. Hold on." You took out a remote and rewinded the movie. "There we go." You chuckled and looked at him. "You're gonna watch the whole thing over again?" He asked and laughed. "Are you serious?" You laughed. "Maybe. Since you complained that we missed the movie so.." you shrugged and still laughed. "I guess that it isn't so bad then," he mumbled shyly and rubbed his neck. "Thanks..." he watched the movie. "You're welcome.." you nodded and turned to the tv to watch the movie. He continued watching the movie and he started to eat some popcorn. He laughed at some parts in the movie. You started to eat some more chips and takes a sip of her drink. You chuckled at funny parts. 1 and a half hours later, He laughed and set his drink down on the coffee table. "This movie is honestly the best movie ever." You nodded at his response. "I agree. I knew you would like it." You smiled at him. "Alright, I should probably go home now." He stood up and helped clean everything up. He yawned and ruffled his hair. You frowned and hugged him tightly. "Awe man.. I don't want you to go.." you said feeling pretty sad at the moment. You really loved being around him. So you're kinda clingy at this point. He hugged you back and hesitantly rubbed your back. "I'm sorry, but I have some work to do. I'm really sorry," he mumbled and tried to move away. "I know.." you said whispered softly and let's him go. "Thank you for hanging out with me today.. I had a lot of fun.." you smiled softly at him. "I had a lot of fun too." He waved and quickly walked out of your apartment. He groaned and rubbed his neck. "What's wrong with me?" You nodded as he left and sighed to yourself. "Why am I such an idiot?" You sat down thinking about what happened and covered your face with embarrassment. 'I can't get him out of my head..' you thought to yourself while blushing. Saeyoung drove to his house and blasted his music playing Pure water by Mustard ft Migos trying to forget everything that had happened. He just couldn't think about it right now.

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