Chapter 7 Morgan's Sorting

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Chapter 7

Morgan's Sorting

I clenched my wand but could not move. My identical form shot me a sly grin and pulled up its sleeve, revealing the mark worn by all of Voldemort's followers. I froze. I could not think of what to do. My spine felt chilled.

"Melanie," Aunt Becky gently grabbed my arm. "Come with me. Let Lupin fight it off."

I followed her downstairs while Lupin dealt with the bogart. I felt more shaken this time than before but why?

"Why did that happen?" I asked my aunt quietly as we sat on the couch.

"It's because you're afraid that there's darkness in you that will lead you to becoming like You-Know-Who," Aunt Becky answered, easily.

I shook my head, slightly doubtful. "How do you know?"

She peered straight into my eyes and answered, "Because the same thing happened to your father many years ago. I remember the day he faced a bogart that transformed into an evil version of himself. He was shaken over it. That's one of the reasons he fought so hard against You-Know-Who."

I remained quiet, but wanted her to keep going.

She did. "You know, Andre was the one that sparked the idea in Dumbledore's mind to form the Order of the Phoenix in the first place."

I looked at her astounded. "Really? So he kind of founded it?"

She tilted her head. "In a way. He was too young to join at the time. It was during our sixth year when You-Know-Who sent him a letter asking him to open the Chamber of Secrets. That was the first time he ever made any sort of contact with Andre. So, out of curiosity, Andre did actually open it. Your mother went down to the chamber with him and was almost killed. That was when Andre understood what his father wanted to do. That very day, he decided he wanted to fight against everything You-Know-Who stood for. Of course, the moment he graduated Hogwarts, he joined the order."

"What about you and Uncle Richard?" I asked. "Did you join back then?"

"We did shortly after we got married," she said. "It was a little awkward at first, she we were the only ones from the Slytherin house. That was until I convinced Maddie to join too. People eventually warmed up to up, with Andre's help."

"I want to join the Order," I said, determined. "I will too, right when I'm out of school."

Aunt Becky stroked my hair. "You really remind me of your father sometimes, you know that?"

Everyone in the wizarding world regarded my father as a hero. My aunt's comment, made me feel quite a bit better.


We all left for King's Cross Station the morning we were to board the Hogwarts Express. Even Sirius came along in dog form. I could tell Mrs. Weasley did not approve. This actually turned into a pretty fun summer since I got to be with my friends and boyfriend. I suppose if not for the dementors' attack that night, I would just be leaving Little Whinging now.

When we arrived at Platform 9 ¾ we all got ready to say goodbye to our families. I hugged both my aunt and uncle goodbye.

"Melanie," Aunt Becky began as she pulled away, "Last year, and the ones before that, I received several letters from the school about your detention record. Maybe starting fifth year, we can try to have a better year? After all, you're growing into a young lady and these things just can't continue."

Melanie Rosen: Year 5 (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now