Perspectives from: The Characters (beforehand)

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So I thought I'd warm up before I start writing stories on here that dedicate too much time, as I am working on writing my sequel to my published book; The Unknowns.

So, I'm hoping you might be given the impulse to read it after reading about the characters. Bear with me, please! I'm very new on wattpad or any website! Thanks!



Name: Alex Chesier

Age: 17

I'm not a Chesier, I was adopted. I grew up in a revolting, disgusting orphanage from an infant until I was fourteen years old. Yeah. Fourteen, and still, nobody wanted me. And then Lindy and Robby Chesier came along. I don't know what they were looking for a child for, but they adopted me, and I guess it was all legal actions... Until I got "home."

For the past three years, I've not had schooling, I've been the retriever of my "parents'" liquor, I've been a punching bag, and yeah, you could say it's a little depressing.

Robby died, a while ago, and now it's just me and Lindy. It's better this way. I've taught myself self-defense and I've survived by the blade of my knives. I hunt, kill, clean and cook my food, Lindy's as well, or the alcoholic wouldn't survive.

Things are about to change, I tell myself when I finally decide I'll leave. I'll run away from this place and live on my own. It's unfair to be treated this way... I'll leave at first light.



Name: Jason Argyle

Age: 18

My Dad died when I was little. I was upset, I wasn't macho about it, yeah, I cried. But I'm over it. I have to be, to live. My uncle won't live with it, so I have to. I live a terrible life, but my uncle's may still yet, be worse. He won't accept that Dad is dead, and I get tired of him talking about or even to him all the time. It makes me sick.

Yesterday, I tried reasoning with him again... And again, resulting in a nasty bruise, this time on my face. He's improved his aim, over the years. He aims his best when he uses a book, I don't know how... This time it was the family Bible. Bravo, Uncle.

I don't particularly enjoy my life, but I don't hate it. At least I have some family, and at least sometimes I'm fed good food. Usually I fend for myself and stay gone all day. I finished school, so now that I'm always home I get to live longer in the woods. It's better when I'm not home.

Eventually, maybe I'll take off and leave my Uncle to take care of his own self, but that's not really what I want with my life. I want a family, and I want a job and I want to be a provider... Not a kid living on his own, probably causing the final breaths of his Uncle.

I know it would happen. My uncle would literally die, without my help, I'm almost certain, but not a hundred percent certain, so I'm still considering leaving... God knows, it would be the easier thing to do.



Name: Krissy Gallaby

Age: 17

I'm on my own. I have been for quite some time... Maybe since I was thirteen? Fourteen? I don't remember. I try not to look behind me, but I know I always have to, even if it's just for a moment.

My mother is the burden I carry in my heart, because I know I'm wrong to have left her, but if child support wasn't going to let me live on my own and I couldn't live with the drug addict, I had no choice but to leave. So now, I spend all my days looking over my shoulder, but not at the past.

I've tried to hide my past, get a fake ID, get a job... The world isn't worth crap, these days. I can't do any of those things. I don't have money for a fake ID, thus I cannot hide my past, I can't get a job because I'm terrifying to look at. I mean, would you hire a girl who eats from strangers' leftovers, hasn't used soap in only God knows how long, and carries around a backpack of all her belongings because she has no home?

Well, you might, depending on how heartless or not you are, but I'm telling you, it's not like that here. I'm alone, and I hate it, but at least I don't have to deal with a drug addict parent, anymore..


That's all, for now! I think I'll mainly focus on Alex and Jason because (very minor spolier alert?) they are the main characters, and if you read the book, you're going to be more interested in the two perspectives of them than the other four characters, Krissy, Colton, Aaron and Jessa.

Thanks for reading, if you enjoy The Unknowns, please let me know!

I'll be posting more character perspectives every week, or at least I'll try!

~Abby C.S~

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