Chapter 1

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___________So, Hello my lovely Unicorns! ;) This is a new story i have come up with myself! So if you read other stories like this, please dont say "OMG! She coppied them!" Thanks!_______________

~Sammy's POV~

 "Sammy! Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Violet yelled from dwnstairs

"Coming!" I said while getting dressed

I never fully introduced myself, how rude of me. I'm Sammy Saunders, just call me Sam, Sammy, or Saunders. I'm 16 years old, or that's what other people think. I'm actually 1,998 years old. When I was younger my parents died in a car accident, 2 months after I was sent to this orphanage. The only person who knows my secret is Mrs. Violet and my very best friend Shawn, he is 16 like me. 

"So what's for breakfast Mrs. Violet?" I asked

"The usual Sam, we can't afford to get other things love." She said with a sad expression

"I know i just like to think there will be something new each day..." I said with the same expression

"Dont worry sweet cheeks we're going to get through this poverty together!" (poverty= poor) She said patting my back

"OH! I almost forgot, they have some boys coming to look at kids ages 12-18, so you guys better be ready for 3:00!" Mrs. Violet announced

I did't even take another bite of my food before I ran up the stairs, human speed, to get ready for these 'boys' she was talking about.

I jumped in the shower so i can wash my hair. Once I was out I put on my batman crop top with high waisted shorts Mrs. Violet got me for Christmas last year. I didn't know if I wanted to curl or straighten my hair?

I decided on asking my very bestest friend Shawn. And before I go any further, yes, the word bestest os a word in my vocabulary.

I knocked on his door, "Shawn?" he opened it just a crack, enough to see that he was only wrapped in a towel.

"Yes Saunders?" He asked. He is the only one here that calls me that now. They had this girl McKenna here that called me Saunders but she was adopted and never came back. She said she would visit....but never did.

"Should I curl or straighten my hair?" I said chuckling.

"Did you really come ask me this? I'm not a lady Saunders!......Fine, straighten it and put your batman beanie on that I got you last week?" It came out more as a question, not a statement

"Okay, sounds good mate! Thanks!" I said vampire speeding to my room down the hall

I just want this to be over with already. I know no one wants to adopt me anyways, I look weird and pale.

"10 minutes ages 12-18!" I heard Mrs.Violet scream from downstairs.

"Thank you babes!" I yelled back to her

I know what your thinking, 'why does she call that lady babes?' Well Mrs. Violet is a vampire as well!

______15 minutes later_____

I noticed it was 3:05 when i looked at the clock! I was supposed to be downstairs 5 minutes ago!

"Shit! Sorry Mrs. Violet i lost track of time listening to music upstairs!" I said while runnong down the stairs

"It's okay Sammy, but please, watch your language." She said with a stern look. That's weird, she never tells me to watch my mouth unless someone is here to inspect or she has the adopter in the room. ohhhh! 

"Where do I stand ma'am, and sorry for my language" I said sending her a fake apoligetic look,

'thank you for apoligizing in front the guest' she mind messaged me 

'anytime' I sent back

"Next to Shawn dear" She answered aloud

Right when Mrs. Violet moved i knew what these boys were looking for because i read their minds. 

One of them is Harry, another is Louis, another is Niall, another is Liam, and the last one is Zayn I'm guessing? 

Let's see how this goes...great?!

One Direction Adopted a Vampire....Wait What? (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now