Chapter 3

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_________I want this story to be good,but I just don't think it's going to happen?!______

I just had to get out of there,I can't risk them knowing what I am!

I'm currently running in the woods across from the house I'm now living in.

_____20 minutes later_____

I was hunting down a deer,just the smell of it's blood was making me drool

Then I heard a twig snap behind me...

"Who's there? Come out where I can see you!" I yelled,then making sure my fangs didn't show, just in case their human

"It's just me Sammy,don't need to go all vampy on me!" Harry said putting his hands up in defense

"Look what you did though! My lunch just ran away! Thank you SOOO much!" I stormed off

"Sammy wait,please, I just want to talk. What did you mean when you said Liam was thinking out loud again?" he asked in confusion

"Well since he knows your a vampire, shouldn't he know that he can put up a barrier to block us from reading him?" I asked making myself sound smart

"Alright smart-ass, I didn't know that, I was just turned not long ago. How old are you?"

"17,why?" He is so nosey, like no joke!

"No I mean how old are you in vampire years?" he said getting impatient

"Oh, 1998." I was getting so embarrassed just telling him these things. This is odd

"Woah,that's really old!" then he realized what he said

"Not that you look a day over 17?" I couldn't help but chuckle a little

"You something else styles,something else..."

"How do you know my last name?!"

"You think out loud Harry, put up that barrier. Oh and by the way, I'm not going to kiss you anytime soon!" he just stood there dumbfounded

One Direction Adopted a Vampire....Wait What? (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now