Chapter 7

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~Sammy's POV~

I was in the shower when I heard Harry walk into our room and lay down I think?

I finally got out the hot shower and got dressed and walked out the lou (bathroom)

I found Harry on our bed sleeping,he is going to need all the sleep he can get,the full moon is tomorrow! I decided to slip in bed with him and take a quick snooze as well

~Niall's POV~


There everywhere now,woah.

Me and the lads were talking when we heard a knock on the door

"Who is it?" Liam called out to the person behind the door

"It's Isabella,you guys don't know me but I'm Sammy's warrior" she replied from behind the door

I motioned for Liam to open the door,and when he did, I wasn't expecting a goddess to walk through the door

"Hi, I'm Niall, you are?" I said starting up a conversation with the lovely bird

"Isabella, nice to meet you.Have any clue to where Sammy is?" she asked

"Upstairs with Harry, I think their sleeping, you can chill down here with me and the lads till Saunders comes down? Want some tea?"

"Tea sounds great,thanks!" she said walking with me to the kitchen

"Where you from Isabella?" I made her some tea like how Louis makes it, it's the best!

"I'm from another planet,probably haven't heard of it though" she taking a sit a tea "Wow! This tea is great Niall! You made this!" she said in amazement

"I did make it but Louis taught me how make it,he's just a genius" she laughed

"So are you a vampire like Saunders and Harry?" I questioned

"No,i'm a little bit of everything. Technically yes, but I'm a rare hybrid!"

"What is that?" I asked her

"It's where your more than one thing" she stated

"Oh okay,so what exactly are you then?" Why do I feel so drawn to this girl? It's weird, but I like it.

"I'm a vampire, which,wearwolf, and an angel" She said smirking, i love it.

"Wow, I only knew of vampires, what is Saunders and Harry? Or are they just vampires?" I said curriously

"Sammy is vampire and which, she just doesn't know it yet, that's what i'm here for, to train her and to teach her spells to survive, Harry is vampire and wearwolf, while i'm here I can train with him as well" Isabella took out this journal thing and on the front cover it said "Which craft and blood lust" then she pulled another book out and it said "Wearwolf training and blood lust"

I guess that Sam is a vampire and which she needed that book and since Haz is a vampire and wearwolf she needed the other.

"How old are you Isabella?" Why am I so curious about this girl, she's just a warrier here to help my friends survive.

"I'm older than Sammy." She said smirking,she's doing it again

"So your older than 2000 years old? Cause Sammy is 1998 years old.."

"You got that right pretty boy, I was turned when I was 15, so i'm stuck looking 15 forever, it sucks really. Not ever changing, you look like this 24/7.." She was tearing up, did I say something?

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked

"No, I'm fine, where's Sammy and Harry's room? I need them to start training NOW! And thanks for the tea Niall, really appreciate it!" She said and winked

I think I'm falling for a 2000 year old girl...

~Sammy's POV~

I was having a dream about me and Harry getting married when it was interrupted by a random girl barging into our room

"Who the hell are you!" I screamed, I woke Harry with my yell and he nearly fell off the bed


"How do you know my name?" I was starting to panik, my eyes were red

"If you let me finish I could tell you how, I'm your warrior, now Harry's as well. I'm here to train the both of you, your're not what you think you are." She stated

"What do you mean? If you were our warrior you would know that me and her both are vampires, we know what we are" Harry said clearly pissed that he was awakened during his sleep

"I know you're vampires dumbass, your more than that, Harry you're also a wearwolf, and Sammy, you're a which too" My jaw dropped and Harry's eyes went to red like mine. 

Harry got out the bed and went to the bathroom that's connected to our room, "Meet me outside in front the house in 10 minutes, if you're not there i'll come get you myself!" That girl said while walking out the door, closing it behind her.

"Harry, babe, please come out, we should go and meet her in the front the house, it might be important."  My voice was barely audiable, it was cracking in every word I said

"Sam, quit crying please, i'll be out in a minute babe. Why don't you go out in the front? O'll meet you guys in a few, okay?" Same withhim, barely audible.

"Okay, i love you Harry.."

"I love you to Sammy.." those words made me feel 100% better.  I knew he loved me back 

I finally made it out the front door and was pushed up against the house wall, I used my power, telikenis (Don't know how to spell so sorry), and pushed whatever was on me off.

"What the hell!" I screamed

"That's just the biginning of training love." I don't even know this girls name, did she talk to the others before she barged into our room?

"What's your name? I didn't get it WHEN YOU RAN INTO MY ROOM!" I yelled. 

"It's Isabella, but call me Bella if you'd like." She said

"And how old-"

"Older than you babe" She said cutting me off..I don't like her, she's snobby. 

"I'm not snobby, once you get to know me we can be good friends but i'd rather be training you and Harry right now. Where is he by the way?" She asked

"He wasn't feeling to well so he said he would us down here in a few" I crossed my arms over my chest, I should have brought a jumper. 

~Harry's POV~

I'm not cut out for this shit, I was turned into a vampire 5 weeks ago, how can I be wearwolf to? I havn't even got my vampire powers yet, a vampire usually has to wait 10 weeks beofre their powers come in, unless something triggers them.

Right now I was walking to the front door when I heard Sammy say where I was. I finally got the urge to get out into the cold air. 

When I step foot outside the door something pushed me up against the wall, since I don't have my powers I can't do anything, Sammy knows everything.

"Quit Isabella! He doesn't have his powers yet!" And with that she used her power to throw Isabella into a tree. She layed there for a few seconds before getting back up.

"Harry are you okay, did she hurt you?" Sammy whisper/shouted next to me.

"I'm fine, but what was that for?" I asked 'Isabella'

"It's the beginning of training dim-wit" She replied. It took everything in me not to hurt her.

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