Bella Knows

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"So, you and Quil seemed to be enjoying each other last night, right?" Paul smirked as we sat eating breakfast. I was going to answer, but Emily beat me to it. Smacking him in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For teasing your sister," Emily said in a motherly tone. "They're in love, you'll understand one day."

"No he won't," Jared, Embry and I said at the same time, causing Paul to throw grapes at us. "He sleeps around, everyone knows that," Embry continued.

"Please, everybody can hear him," Jared said, making me choke in my drink.

"It's way to early for jokes like that," I said while waving a finger at him, making the boys laugh.

"What's all the laughing about? And why is Mia all red?" Sam questions as he walks downstairs.

"Jared's making jokes about Paul's sex life," Embry answered with a smirk on his face.

"Can we please not talk about this?" I questioned, trying to change the subject. I'm never good in these situations.

"Fine, let's talk about Kim and-," Paul started, but was quickly pushed out of his chair by Jared. He groaned from the floor, making all of us laugh and Sam yank him up from the ground.

"Let's just finish up and head over to Jakes. We need to keep an eye out after what happened yesterday." Sam said, thinking of Victoria. After Quil left yesterday and Emily was out of ear shot, we had a private discussion about that red headed bitch. We were going to find her and kill her. No matter what it takes.


"Is he really still sleeping," Jared asked as we broke the tree line and walked on the Blacks property. Jared stood on the far end next to Paul who was next to me. Sam stood in the middle with me next to him and Embry on his other side. All shirtless, except for me in my tank.

"Oh please, when we were younger and have sleep overs, he would sleep till one," Embry stated.

"Well he's in for a rude awakening," Jared smirked before barking loudly.

"Was that really necessary," I asked before looking back at the house. I groaned and threw my head back in annoyance, watching Bella Swan storm out of the house and stomp towards us, "What's she doing here?"

"What did you do?!" Bella yelled, preventing my question from being answered. "What did you do to him?!" She asked pushing me and Sam back. I growled at her, that bitch think she can take me. Paul and Jared came to my defense, shouting "hey!"

"Easy!" Sam pushes them back with one arm before standing in front of us all.

"He didn't want this!" Bella argued.

"What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul questioned rapidly as he got in the smaller girl's face. "Both if you calm down." Sam ordered, looking at Paul and I who were getting riled up.

"Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." Bella said, making all except Sam laugh. But he did smirk a little. Bella seemed to have had enough though, seeing that she slapped Paul right across the face.

"To late now," Jared taunted, seeing Paul start to shake with anger. I stepped back so I stood next to Jared, seeing that I wouldn't want to get in the middle of this. "Bella, get back!" Sam ordered, noticing Paul was on the break of phasing in front of her. "Paul, calm down!" Sam ordered as Paul started to growl deeper and shake harder. He's order didn't work though, since Paul's silver wolf bursted about out a few seconds later.

I smirked, looking up at Jared who also was wearing a smirk on his face. Bella started to run back, seeing that Paul's wolf was dangerously close. "Bella!" Jacob shouted as he jumped out of his house. Embry went to step forward, but Sam stuck out his arm signaling for us to stay put. "Run! Jake Run!" Bella shouted. But he didn't listen, instead he jumped over her and phased mid air, landing on all fours. Jake growled at Paul, threatening him. But Paul seemed unphased. Soon enough they were lunging at each other and snapping at each other's throats. It wasn't until they broke the fishing boat and rolled into the woods till Sam intervened. "Hey, take Bella back to Emily's place." Sam ordered before running off into the woods.

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