Sadness at the Clearwaters

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Just when we thought our lives would get somewhat easier, a landslide takes place. The hunters Charlie Swan has set up have been in the woods non stop, including Harry. This made our job a lot harder since we couldn't be seen but still had to search for bloodsuckers, specifically Victoria. This time being one of those time where we wish Bella had never opened her mouth.

"I swear I smelt her right here," Jacob said through the link as we sniffed the ground. He had claimed that he got a fresh sent of the red headed leech, making us scramble to meet him in the woods. But, we haven't gotten a good scent yet. "Embry, you get anything?" Sam questioned the wolf with the best sense of smell. "Almost got it," Embry claimed while smelling the dirt, "there it is." We began to follow him as we walked through the trees, keeping our eyes open for any sights of the vampire. I heard rumbling in the bushes next to me, making me growl. However, it was only Harry. I let out a huff in relief, while Harry smiles and looked at the massive paw print I left.

"You got something Harry?" Chief Swan questioned, making me scramble away. "Nope. Nothing," Harry concluded, rubbing away my paw print. "Mia, you were almost seen," Paul said to me. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, okay? It smelled like she was near Harry," I told my pack brothers. "She's right, the red head was definitely here," Embry backed me up. "Just try to stay away from the hunters, okay?" Sam said to me as he climbed over a rock. "I will," I said before bringing my focus back to everything around me.

"Guys, she's here!" Jared exclaimed, looking up at the leech who was jumping from tree to tee above the hunters. She jumped down swiftly when Charlie wasn't looking, but Harry was. He lifted up his gun at her, but she quickly grabbed his collar of his jacket and lifted him off the ground. "Harry!" All of us chorused, sprinting towards the pair. Jacob got there first, knocking Victoria away from Harry and him falling to the ground. Victoria tumbled down a hill before gracefully landing in her feet, meeting me in a clearing. I growled at her presence as we stared at each other. "Mia," I heard Sam warn in my head, but I was to angry to listen. "Shut it!" I growled as the began to sprint towards the leech. She stood in her place before jumping over me, causing my jaws to miss her body. I snapped at her as she gave me a cocky smirk before running in the opposite direction. I began to chase after her, the pack following in suit. "She's getting away!" Paul shouted angrily as we chased her. "She can't!" Jared shouted shortly after. The bloodsucker jumped over a hill, grabbing a large branch as she jumped. She threw the branch backwards without looking, making it hit me in the gut. I wined as I landed on the ground harshly. "Mia!" Sam yelled with concern. "Go!" I yelled back, caring more about catching her then my own safety.

I phased back as I laid naked on the ground, groaning. Somehow I managed to change into some shorts and a tank before laying with my back in a tree. Shortly after, the pack, minus Jake, cane running towards me with concerned faces. I stared at the with anger, "I told you to go after her!" "We did!" Paul defended before kneeling in front of me along with Sam. "She jumped into the water before we could catch her. Apparently Bella jumped in. Jake went to go get her," Sam explained with a solemn look on his face. "Why did Bella jump?" I asked, taking the subject away from the bloodsucker. "We don't know," Sam muttered, "let's go check on Harry. Can you stand?" I nodded my head slowly, before cringing as I stood up. Paul and Jared held my arms, making sure I wouldn't fall. Sam started pushing different spots of my stomach and chest, determining my injury. "I doesn't seem broken, just bruised. You'll be better by tonight," Sam declared with a small smile before heading to the spot we last saw Harry.

When we got there, our hearts immediately broke. We added up that since Harry was lying unmoving and the hunters had tear stained cheeks, nothing good happened. "What happened?" Sam asked as we ran over to them. Sam kneeled down next to Harry, checking his pulse. "Heart attack," the chief muttered grimly, "we lost him a few minutes ago." The pack looked at each other, having a silent conversation. We all knew that this was no heart attack, it was Victoria. We had lost a council member to her, our family. Anger boiled inside of me, but I kept it at bay in front of the hunters. "We should go tell Sue," Sam muttered, before shaking hands with Charlie.
We were then off the break the news to one of our most loved pack mothers, Sue Clearwater and her family.


The minute we had stepped into the house, the mood dimmed. Not only from the fact that Sam was in the same room with his ex, but also that Sue could tell something had happened. When we broke the news, her house was immediately filled with screaming. Not only from her, but from her daughter Leah and son Seth as well. Jake was off bringing Bella home, making sure she was safe after her jump. Sams orders. The house was now filled with members of the tribe along with Charlie. The Ateara's were on their way. Charlie and Billy were comforting Sue while Sam was waiting outside for people who were still arriving.

The pack stayed huddled in a corner shirtless away from everyone else. "This isn't the first time she's been here, right?" Jared confirmed. "I caught her scent before, it was definitely familiar," Embry said with his arms crossed. "Well, what is she here for?" Paul asked, getting annoyed. "Bella," I said. Everybody looked at me confused. "Before you guys all joined, the vampires that caused Sam and I to phased weren't just the Cullens. Their was this coven of hunters. Laurent, the leech with the dreads, Victoria, and this other one James. Apparently, Victoria and James were mates. James kidnapped Bella, trying to eat her but Edward killed him. She wants revenge."

"How come you guys never told us that?" Embrys voiced dropped to a low whisper as more people filled the room. "Never seemed necessary," I shrugged, turning to face the room. I noticed my imprint walking towards me, concern filling his eyes. "Oh my god, your okay," Quil said, bringing me into a tight hug. He stroked my hair gently, "I felt like something was wrong, I had this gut feeling."
"That's because she was hit the gut," Paul joked during the serious situation. I rolled my eye before turning back to Quil. "You didn't hurt thought right?" I questioned, not wanting my imprint to feel my pain. "I don't care if I feel your pain as long as your okay," he stated, looking into my eyes. I smiled before he gave me a loving kiss. I pulled away while breathing out, both of us turning back to the pack.

"Do you guys know what really happened?" Quil asked, lacing our fingers together. "Victoria's what happened," Jared responded bitterly. "And we didn't catch her either," Embry added for his friend. "All thanks to Bella Swan," said Paul with annoyance in his eyes. "He still obsessing over her?" Quil asked while shocked. "Yep," I responded, popping the p, "and he treats her better then the pack."
"But he didn't imprint on her, right?" Quil inquired. "Oh thank god no," I laughed out. "Don't worry, you'll be filled in when you phase," Paul added with a smirk on his face, just to annoy me. "Something to look forward to," Embry added, pushing his friends shoulder. Quil seemed to smile at this, probably imagining what that would be like. I definitely do not want him to phase, that for sure. But if it meant that he would be happy being with his own friends, I would push away my paranoia. I would give up anything for him. And he would do the same for me.

Authors note!
I actually cried writing this chapter, but it needed to be done. Hope y'all enjoy!

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