They're back

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After Leah and Mia talked, the pack sat lazily around the the table picking at random food. Jared had about 12 chicken wings while Paul and Mia just finished a few of them, biting on
the bone. They were waiting for Jake to come back with Bella. He wanted to change her mind about become cold blooded.

"So, what are we going to do when she gets here?" Embry asked as they patiently waited for the pair. "I have no idea, haven't they not talked in months?" Quil asked, making a good point. "Let's just hope the girl doesn't do anything stupid," Paul grumbled out. He was never overly fond of Bella, and neither was the rest of the pack. The girl caused to much trouble for the group, and they were getting tired of it.

The pack was brought out of their thoughts when they heard the sound of a motorcycle outside. "Looks like leech lovers here," Mia said with a smirk as the pack stood up and made there way outside. After the exited the house, they jumped over the stairs to meet their pack brother and Bella.

"Hey look who's back," Embry said the they walked in front if the pair. "What up, Bella?" Quil asked as Mia shot him a look. She knew he had liked her in the past, but now she thought he wouldn't be so nice. He just shrugged when he saw the look Mia was giving him.

"Quil? You too?" Bella asked, noticing the new member of the group. "Yep, finally made the pack," quil said excitedly as he threw his arm around Mia. Bella gave them a confused look before Embry's voice made her take her eye off of them.

"I'm glad you here Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue," Embry stated, making the pack laugh. "I wish Bella would call," Paul mimicked while pushing Jakes shoulder. "I wish Bella wouldn't call," Jared added with his mouth full of a chicken wing. "Maybe I should call Bella," Mia teased. "Maybe I should call Bella and hang up," Quil added on to his imprint, making everyone laugh and Bella awkwardly smile. "All right, you can shut up now," Jacob said with a small smile, embarrasses by his pack siblings.

Leah came out shortly after, making everyone tense. She hasn't been in the best mood lately, bringing a grim mood to the rest of the pack. She wouldn't even talk to Mia, and that was shocking seeing that was her only friend.

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater, Harry's daughter," Jacob introduced, making the pack sad at the mention of their late elder. "Hey, I'm really sorry about your father," Bella said, turning to the dark haired girl that had a scowl on her face. "If your here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave," Leah said rudely before walking away, making the pack glance around awkwardly at the interaction. "Fun isn't she," Jacob said, trying to lighten up the mood.

Mia sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I'll try to talk to her," Mia said, looking at her pack brothers. "Are you sure you want to walk into that death trap," Paul joked, referring to how moody Leah could get. Mia just scoffed and through her chicken bone at him, making him just laugh at her antics.

"I'll see you later," Mia said while grabbing Quils hands. "Try not to miss me too much," he said, smirking down at his imprint. "I'll try not too," she mumbled against his lips before kissing him. "Gross, get a room," they heard Embry say, making them split apart and send him a playful glare. She stepped away from her imprint, begrudgingly letting go of her imprints hand. "See you guys later," she said, earning a chorus of 'goodbyes' as she walked away. She only hoped that Leah hadn't already killed someone.


"This isn't fair! We were doing fine while we were home!" Mia argued as Sam told her and the pack the news that they had to go back to school. They hadn't been to school in a month, and even if they have, it's been two at a time. They were sure that if they went all together it would stir up some trouble.

"You all need to take your finals, Paul and Jared are graduating in two days and Paul is failing biology," Sam said, drawing attention to the boy that stood with his arms crossed. "It doesn't even matter, after we graduate we're staying on the Rez. Are job is to protect the land, not do some dumbass biology," Paul defended.

"It does matter cause it will start to draw attention. Mia's going to be tutoring you after tomorrow when you guys get back from school," Sam demanded.

"Don't you think it will draw more attention for all of us to go back," Jared pointed out, gesturing to the group standing around him. "Yeah, more people will notice a group of boys and a girl with a tribal tattoo," Embry said, supporting his brother. "It's only two days, what damage will be done," Quil insisted.

"Um, you won't graduate," Sam started, "and you guys need to be a good roll model for Seth. He's been going to school non stop and you guys need to watch over him. You guys are going to school," he said to the entire group before turning to the two senior boys, "and you two are graduating in two days. And that's final."

"We are not going to school and we are protecting our land. And that's final," Mia went against her alpha, looking right into his eyes.


"This sucks," Mia complained with her arms crossed as the pack made their way to their small school. Much to their dismay, Sam ended up using his alpha voice, leaving them no choice but to go to school. Mia day in Quils truck I'm the passenger seat, while Embry and Seth rode standing in the bed of the truck. Paul stood in the bed of Jared's, Kim sitting in the passenger seat with Jared driving. Jake has gotten out of going to school, seeing all of his finals were done.

"I know, but at least we only have two days of this hell hole," Quil said as they pulled into the school parking lot, everyone immediately staring at the two trucks that were parked next to each other. Mia, Quil, Jared, and Kim climbed out of the trucks while Paul, Embry, and Seth jumped out of the beds. Whispers were heard about the group, making it hard to ignore the comments.

"Alright guys, I know we're going to be hearing things about us, just try to ignore it and don't get angry," Mia stated, linking her hand with Quil's. "And if anything happens, just bring it to me and I'll figure it out."

"I cannot believe we're doing this," Paul muttered as they made their way up to the school, sticking his hands in his pockets. The rest of the pack couldn't help but agree as they tried to ignore the stares that burned in the back of their heads.


"Mia," She heard in her head as she was taking her trig final. "Embry?" She questioned as she took her focus off the test in front of her. "Yeah, What did you get for number twenty four?" He asked her through the link, making her roll her eyes. "I did not double imprint for you to ask me math questions," she complained to him.

"Please, I'm begging you! I have no idea what's going on," he begged in her mind as she tried to focus back on the problem in front of her, "it's not like we'll get caught for cheating."

"Maybe you should have studied then," she teased, fully knowing that they didn't have any time for studying. "Come on, Mia", he pleaded.

"Fine! It's B. Now good bye," she said, flipping back to the page she was on. "Thank you, your the best sister ever!"

"Kiss up."


~Bella's House~

Riley reached out to touch the dream catcher the hung from the top of Bella's headboard. It had an unfamiliar scent to it, but he quickly disregarded it as he ran his fingers along her purple comforter. He walked over to her small wooden desk chair where there sat a red blouse. He picked it up, sniffing it. His red eyes showed confusion as he smelt a mixture of another vampire, her, and the unknown smell from the dream catcher.

He quickly stuffed the shirt into his jacket before turning to walk out of the girl's bedroom. After he walked down the stairs and into the small living room, he noticed an older man with a mustache sleeping on the couch. He looked at the case file on his lap, seeing that it belonged to the missing case of himself and the other vampires he has turned. He leaned in close to the mans face, before hearing the girl he was hunting open the door, making him disappear into the night.

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