Seth and Leah

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Walking to Emily's was very intimidating for Mia and Paul. They did not know how to say that they lost track of the leech because they were distracted by a dumbass Cullen that doesn't know his boundaries. Seeing the earthy house come into view only made their nerves peek even more. But slowly, their nerves turned into anger. Anger towards Victoria. Anger towards the Cullens. Anger all around. Mia was filled with so much anger by the time she reached the tree line at Emily's house that she needed a quick release of it. So, she did the first thing that came to mind.

She punched the nearest tree closest to her, making a large cracking sound through the forest and branch hit the ground with a loud boom. Hearing this, the rest of the pack cane outside to see Mia standing in front of a slightly broken tree and Paul staring at her like she was crazy.

"What the hell is going on here," Sam questioned, authority in his voice. Mia broke her gaze away from the tree to turn towards Sam. She didn't answer, instead she just shook her head. She was devastated that her and Paul let the redhead get away. She didn't want to admit her failure to the rest of the pack. Sensing something was wrong, Quil walked over to her and picked up her hand. He noticed small gashes from when she punched the tree, but didn't question it. Instead he just brought her into a hug, resting his head on hers.

"We had a run in with Victoria," Paul said gruffly, speaking up when he knew Mia wouldn't.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. They pack hadn't run into her in months, so why is she back all of the sudden. "Why do you mean by that?" He asked, trying to find out more information from the two pack members that were just on patrol.

"He means that the red headed leech jumped onto our land while trying to get away from the Cullens," Mia said, speaking up for the first time. She started to make her way into the house, the boys following behind her as she started to talk again. "Which only means-"

"That she knows about the treaty line," Jared finished in realization as the girl sat on the small couch in the living room. She met eyes with the boy, nodding as she came to the same conclusion.

"Well, how does she even know about that?" Embry asked, confused. It seemed impossible for the bloodsucker to know about a fact that very few knew about.

"She's been watching us," Sam concluded, eyeing his pack members carefully. "How? Wouldn't we have caught her scent by now?" Quil asked from his spot beside his imprint. He voiced the question that they were all thinking. How did they not catch her scent? "I haven't caught her scent once these past few months," Embry, who has the best sense of smell, voiced to the rest of the group.

"That means she's literally been hiding under our noses," Paul stated, crossing his arms. His anger radiated across the room, desperately wanting to catch the leech that's been putting the land in danger. "Do we even know what she's after?" Jake asked, joining the conversation. If they didn't know what she wanted, then they didn't know how to stop her.

"She could simply be doing this to taunt us," Mia stated, bitterness laced in her voice. She just wanted to kill the damn thing before it caused anymore trouble. Quil rubbed his hand on her arm soothingly, wanting to bring ease to her. "She wants Bella, we know that, we killed her friend. How did she even get away?" Sam asked, bringing the attention away from the girls statement.

Mia and Paul made subtle eye contact, dreading what should happen when they said they lost focus. "Paul, Mia, tell me," Sam said, using his alpha voice. They couldn't get out of this now. Mia sighed, running her hand through her hair.

"Victoria had been running on the Cullen territory," Mia imagined the scene in her head, giving the pack the same view, "The Cullens and her were jumping from tree to tree, trying to catch her. Somehow, she got out of their reach and back onto our side. But at the same time, a Cullen, the big one, tried to get onto our land. Paul stopped him before he could even step foot on our land, but we lost Victoria in the process."

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