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   After you first met Bucky, you had to figure out everything you could about him. You've never been this interested in anyone since you & Pietro were together. You asked Nat about Bucky and she told you how he tried to kill Steve, Sam & her when Hydra had control over him as the Winter Soldier. You then asked Steve more & more about him and he said Bucky was around before Steve was frozen. You now realized why Bucky was so tense all the time, he never knew when life's gonna try and get rid of him again.

   One night while you were playing cards with Wanda, Bucky stormed out of his room and out the balcony door and just stood, staring out over the city. You and Wanda just stared at the door, then back at each other until she got up and left so you could go to see what happened. You slowly crept to the glass door and opened it to look out with Bucky. You could see he was very upset, with tears welling up in his eyes and a pout on his face. You wanted to ask what was wrong but he suddenly grabbed you and just held you. You were caught off guard for a moment but you let him hold you which seemed to help him feel a little bit better. He let go of you, apologizing for grabbing you like that even though you said it was okay multiple times. You and Bucky just sat on the balcony, talking about his problems for what felt like hours.

   It started to rain, so you both went inside and sat on the couch. You didn't want to leave Bucky by himself while he was this upset so you went and grabbed some blankets and some DVDs from your room. Bucky picked up the stack of movies and started to flip through them until he pulled one out which was titled "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." he chuckled saying, "God, I remember seeing this with Steve at the cinema!" He suddenly stopped laughing and stared off into space like he did something wrong. He didn't stop staring until he noticed you got up to put the DVD into the player. During the movie, he fell asleep on your shoulder. He looked so peaceful and cute while he slept. You only met this man days ago but you already feel like you've known him for years, like you were there through every memory with him and Steve, and even through the hard times as the Winter Soldier. Even though you weren't there back then, you're here now, and you always will be.

His Girl • Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now