~ The Call ~

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      * Three years time jump, you and Bucky are now married and live on the outskirts of Wakanda *

     You heard the phone start to ring as you and Bucky were still cuddled up together in bed. Neither of you wanted to get up, thinking it was Shuri wanting to come for breakfast before her shift at the lab. You let out a loud yawn before you pick up the phone with a groggy " hello " . On the other line you hear Nat whispering " Y/N contact King T'Challa.. we've got a problem heading right for you " Bucky woke up right away when he heard you quickly getting your uniform on that you haven't worn in years, it still fit you like a glove , which drove Bucky wild. He simply asked what's going on as you silently worked to get out the rest of your uniform and started on his. He crawled up out of bed and started to put on his uniform quickly. As you both left the house after getting dressed. You caught him up on everything that Nat told you: A mad Titan by the name of Thanos has come to earth searching for Infinity Stones ( o shit you know where this is going ) and that the team is coming here to get the mind stone out of vision safely so Thanks can go through with his plan.. to destroy half of all the living population. As soon as you get to the place gates, T'Challa comes running out with his army behind him. Suddenly you see the Quinn Jet land gracefully as the full team jumps off ( except Thor ) Gwen ran up to you to give you the biggest hug, most of the team you haven't saw since the wedding here. Except Steve, Nat , Sam, Wanda & Vision who have been on the run for years and secretly stayed at your home for support. Suddenly a large spacecraft hit the protective dome surrounding the city and you looked at Bucky and the way he looked at you meant one thing, it's the endgame now...

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