Asra - Nightmare

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Requested by: @Zozothecatlover5674

Sorry some requests are taking a little bit- I either forget to write them or I'm running around doing who knows what since its Summer now. I will try to write more Portia one shots though- I know a lot of you are here for the boys but I love my girl too much to leave her out.
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You were running through a forest, frantically chasing after someone. You stumbled over branches and twigs, leaving scratches on your legs as the trees seemed to swallow you whole.

You pushed away anything in your way and ran as fast as you could to who knows where. Finally, you spot him laying on the ground. A dark figure loomed over the person on the ground before dissapearing into thin air.

You ran as fast as you could but the figure left before you could catch it. You looked down at the person on the ground before a realization overcame you.

"...Asra?" You dropped down to his side and pulled him close to you. "Oh god...Asra...Asra please wake up." You cried, your vision going blurry. His eyes fluttered, just barely open. He moved his hand to grasp yours, loosely intertwining your fingers.

"Oh my god...are you okay? Please don't leave...You can't leave..." At this point, tears aere streaming down your face. Your breath hitched as you tightened your grip on his hand. He only smiled at you. "(Y/n)..." He mumbled.


"It's over."

You felt your heart stop as he shut his eyes, his hand becoming limp in yours. You cried harder, screaming for him to wake up- but all you could think of was how useless you had been. After everything that had happened you still couldn't save him.

Then you woke up.

You sat up in your bed, tears streaming down your face. Asra started to stir next to you. He had his arms wrapped around you while you slept, so you suddenly moving made him jump a bit.

You noticed him moving and frantically wiped away the tears in your eyes. Seeing him lying there only reminded you of your nightmare, and the tears flooded faster than you could wipe them away.

Asra sat up, rubbing his eyes to see clearly. He noticed you crying and quickly stood straight, a concerned look coming over his face. "(Y/n)...?" He mumbled, reaching to grab one of your hands and hold it in his own.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He intertwined your fingers and wiped away a tear on your cheek with his free hand. Your breath hitched and you squeezed his hand, trying to quiet your sobs. "Hey, Hey it's alright...It's okay to cry. What happened?" He squeezed back.

It took you awhile to say anything, still trying to hold back whatever tears you had. Asra leaned in close to you and waited for you to say something, occasionally wiping away another tear from your face.

"I...I had a nightmare, that's all. I'm okay." You breathed, mentally and physically exhausted. Asra sighed. "...What happened?" You were about to protest, saying once again that you were fine, but he interrupted you. "People don't cry like that for no reason, especially you."

"...I had a dream...and...You died. You died and I couldn't do anything. I...I couldn't save you. I feel so useless...what happens if someone
o-or maybe Lucio does something and I just stand there...doing nothing." You cried, eyes stinging again. He paused before letting go of your hand and pulling you into a hug.

After awhile he pulled back, grabbing you by your shoulders. "I don't ever want you feeling like that. Ever. Okay? You're strong and wonderful and I can't imagine my life without you..." He started out strong but his voice got softer as he went, along with his grip on you.

You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close to you. "I'm sorry." You mumbled. Asra hugged you back and sighed. "You don't have to be sorry." You pulled away and sighed, moving your hands up to cup his face.

"I love you...You're not just saying this stuff because you love me, right? you..." He moved his hands up to keep yours in place before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours.

"Not at all." He whispered, running his fingers through your hair. "Do you love me?" You asked warily. "I love you." He smiled. "Sorry for asking you so many questions.." "I could answer them all day, (Y/n)." He grinned. You bit your lip.

"Do you love me?"


"Are you okay?"


"Are we...okay?"


"Kiss me."

Asra smirked, leaning in closer.

"Kiss me back."

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