Asra & Julian Devorak - Crush

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Requested by BrecsFiction
- Poly relationship

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You were sitting at a table in the market next to your boyfriend, Julian, and across from your crush Asra; who also happened to be Julian's crush.

This is a little quick, so let me explain.

Julian confessed to you his strange attraction to Asra around the same time you noticed him in that way. It was weird, loving two people romantically at one time, but you'd seen it before in books and stories, so why couldn't it be real too?

This outing was your attempt at bringing Asra into your relationship- and you were almost sure it would work judging by his behavior around you two. Still, that didn't mean you weren't nervous.

You smiled and took a bite of your bread. Asra smiled back and did the same. "Haven't seen much of you two lately. This is kind of nice." He laughed. You blushed and laughed too. Pressing your leg against Julians.

"I wanted to spend more time with you, but time was scarce with the whole 'accused of murder' thing." You looked over at Julian, who was scratching his neck awkwardly. "Well, at least its cleared up now." He said quickly.

"Yes. And now you don't have to annoy me with your leech panacea idea." Asra rolled his eyes playfully. You had to grab Julian to keep him from standing and slamming his hand on the table all dramatic like- instead, he put his hand on your knee under the table and squeezed it- which could have been a thank you or his way of displaying his insincere frustration. "Hey! Leeches work just as fine as any medicine!" You placed your hand over his. "Sure."

Asra laughed, making you blush again. His small bursts of laughter made your heart beat the same way Julian's had. You could feel Julian grip your knee and you knew he felt the same. "God, Asra, you're killing us." Julian bit his lip, letting the words slip out from under his breath.

Asra let the moment finish before realizing what he had said. "What do you mean?" He asked, feigning innocence. You shoved Julian to the side. "Julian, you have to be the weakest man I've ever met." You whined. His face turned a deep shade of crimson. "I...I...weak?" You nodded and buried your face in your hands.

Asra placed a hand on your forearm until you looked up. He smiled softly at you, then turned to Julian. "Care to explain, or shall I pretend that never happened." You sighed.

"Asra, do you like me? Are we friends?" You asked. He looked surprised, but nodded. "Yes, of course." "How about Jules?" He hesitated before nodding. "Yes, well obviously yes, there's just history there. And here. Well..." He stumbled over his words before sighing too.

"You already know I have a history with both of you, even if it was just me being sweet on you, (Y/n)." He mumbled, embarrassed.

"Well I think we're a bit sweet on you Asra. Both of us." He looked shocked. "You both...hold on, you both like me? But you're already together." He said confused. Julian nodded, taking your hand in his. "That seems to be the case."

You stepped up and intertwined your fingers with Asra's. "I love you Asra. I love Julian too, but I'm sure you knew that. I'd really like it if we could all be together...but I don't want to force you into anything you're uncomfortable with." Julian nodded, still blushing evidently.

Asra waited quietly, lost in thought. Still, he didn't let go of your hand. "Julian...(Y/n) said a while back you were sleeping more. Thats good." He mumbled, looking up at the ginger headed man. Julian nodded, and they shared a blush. "Then...I'm sorry, this is taking me a while to process. One moment." Asra mumbled again, squeezing your hand together in his, as if to feel what it was like to have the spaces between filled for the first time.

"...I love you. Both of you. I think...I think I want to be together too." He said, a blush apparent on his face.
You smiled, an almost child lile excitement glossing over your eyes. "You don't think it's weird?" Julian asked.

He paused before shaking his head. "No...I think its kind of wonderful. In its own way, I guess." He smiled, looking down at the table and back at us. "I love you." He laughed again, nervously. "God, I love you too." Julian mumbled while you waited grinning.

"I love you both~ So I win." You giggled and slid out of your chair, leaving some money on the table for the bread. "Where are you going?" Julian asked. "Where are we going, Julian. And we are going to the shop." You stated, returning to take the two men by their hands and pull them up. "May I ask why?" Asra questioned, squeezing your hand once again, like he couldn't get enough of simple gestures like that. "So I can kiss you both without people staring at me." You blushed, letting the words come out softer than planned.

Asra turned to Julian, who had the same red expression as him. Asra shook his head, as if to shake off the color, and winked at Julian before taking his hand in his empty one, walking in the middle of the two of you. Julian laughed, the blush still evident. "Alright, then. But for now they're going to have to deal with it." Asra smiled softly at you. "Because I really don't want to let go."

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