Julian Devorak - Princess (Female Reader)

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Julian's POV:

I climbed out of Mazelinka's Window in the middle of the night, wandering towards the Rowdy Raven. Sleeping was a bust tonight, so I thought I'd have a few drinks- see some farmiliar faces.

I swung open the door and walked over to the bartender, ordering the tallest Salty Bitters they had. Suddenly I heard a small voice behind me as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to find a petite girl in a see through cloak with a spaghetti strap dress in silky (f/c) fabric. Her hair was in a loosely styled bun on top of her head with a small bow clip holding it together.

"Excuse me, Sir?" She looked up at me with fluttering eyelashes. I smiled. "What can I help you with, my dear?" She smiled back. "What would you reccomend from here? It's quite small- you know, all the best drinks come from small bars." She laughed lightly. "For you, maybe..." I turned and studied the menu before turning around. "The one with the eyeball. Personally, I prefer Salty Bitters- They're awful- but that one has a glittering sensation on it." Her eyes lit up. "Wonderful! Thank you." She grinned and repeated the order to the bartender, handing him a small bag.

He raised an eyebrow at her, before opening the bag with a look of surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry, do you take jewls? I have some other currency on me but I'm not sure how much..." She sighed. He shook his head immediately and nodded at her- making me almost sure he overcharged.

Still, he handed her a drink as tall as mine with a glass eye floating as decor. She inspected it with bright eyes. "Isn't that interesting...You have good taste, Sir. What's your name?"
I flashed her another winning grin and took her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips. "Julian Devorak. Hopefully you haven't heard of me." I added.

"I knew you looked familiar- you were accused once. I heard you've been forgiven, deemed innocent of murder now." She smiled. "That's pleasant, good thing you're not a murderer...though I see the appeal if the count's at the end of the line."

She continued, drawing her hand back and over her chest. "(Y/n) (L/n). You're quite the charmer Doctor." She smiled again, as though she couldn't help it. And made her way over to a table in the back. When she saw I didn't follow, she beckoned me over with her hand. I stumbled after her, sliding in the booth across from her.

(Y/n) took a drink out from her cup before setting it down lightly. "So, what's someone like you doing in such a rowdy place?" I asked. She laughed. "I'm travelling now, and just happened to be passing by." She said innocently. I smirked and she looked down right away, the pink evident on her face. "Okay, maybe I have a tendency to drink a lot when travelling. Drink a lot in general. I like forgetting things." She sighed.

"I have that problem myself, darling. And I'd drink to it too." We clinked glasses as I took a long swing, draining the glass. I set it back down to see she had finished a while before me. "Say, that man definitely overcharged you for the eyeball- but I'd happily treat you to a few more.." (Y/n) leaned in on her hands and grinned. "I'd like that, Doctor." "Please, call me Julian." (Y/n) traced lines on the table with her finger, which was manicured with glitter. "Alright, Julian."

And this

Well this was where things got a little fuzzy.

I remember bringing back the drinks, setting them on the table. We were laughing and talking and then she was next to me and her head was on my shoulder-

Well I can't remember everything, but at some point in the night her lips were on mine.

And it felt wonderful.

She eventually got up and cleared her throat, leaving a small emerald on the table as a tip. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door, dragging me after her.

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