Julian Devorak - Karma

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Part 2 to my first chapter, Doctor's Orders (because that chapter lowkey makes me cringe a bit and everyone keeps yelling on that chapter)

+ what should be obvious- if someone is sick don't make out with them that should be common sense okay thank you +

"(Y/n)...ngh, Is that you dear?" You smiled and bent down next to Julian, who was lying on your bed in your room. The covers were pulled up over him and crumpled tissues were sitting in the trash can next to him.

You placed a hand on his forehead and spoke softly. "Julian, of course its me, we're the only ones here." You laughed. He groaned and reached up to touch your hand. "Oh, right. Okay..."

You shook your head and got up, pulling another blanket over him. "I can't believe I got you sick...then again, I did warn you..." He pouted. "You kissed me just as much as I kissed you. And besides! You're better now, aren't you...ah- ah!" He sneezed, making you laugh.

"That's true...well, nothing we can do about it now. Wait here, I'll be back with a towel." You ran over to the kitchen to get a cloth and soaked it in water. When you got back to Julian, you placed it on his forehead and bent down next to him again.

"Hey Doctor, what do you suppose I do now?" Julian turned to face you and sighed. His face was slightly red and his hair was toussled in all different ways. Still, he managed to look good...which just wasn't fair.

"I don't know, you're the doctor now..." He mumbled. You drummed your fingers over the back of his hand and sighed. "Julian...come on darling, help me out here." You moved your hand up to brush the hair out of his face.

He didn't answer, but he closed his eyes as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Sorry. I'm just tired." He said softly, giving you a small smile. "Do you need anything?" You smiled back.

He shook his head and then paused. "Actually, there is one thing..." You tilted your head. "Yes?" He smirked. "Kiss me?" You stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed, laughing. "Nope. Don't forget what got us in this mess!" He groaned.

"Come on (Y/n)~ I'm dying without you..." "When you're better! Then I'll give you all the kisses you want...But not now! Nope!" You shook your head, a slight blush on your face.

Julian sat up in the ned, looking over at you. "I'll hold you to that, (Y/n)...will you atleast eat with me?" You looked over at him and nodded. "Y-Yeah! I'll go make us some food."

You walked over to the kitchen to make some soup. You made a regular chicken soup recipe before sprinkling in a glittery substance you got from Asra and some leaves. You dumped another little vile into the food and stirred it, muttering a spell under your breath.

Julian didn't understand magic very much, so it might not be a good idea to tell him you put a healing spell over his food when he's even more delerious than usual. You poured the soup into two bowls and brought it back to your room.

You handed him a bowl and moved some pillows behind him. You crawled on to the bed and sat with your legs crossed. You put a spoonful in your mouth and watched him to make sure he ate.

He caught you staring and chuckled. "You know, you don't have to do that. I can take care of myself." You looked him dead in the eyes and smiled. "No, you can't." He feigned dramatic shock and placed a hand over his heart. "Well that wasn't exactly sugar coated."

You shook your head. "Julian, when I met you Mazelinka was probably the only thing keeping you alive..." You meant it to come out as a joke, but it saddened you a bit.

He noticed your change in demeanor and turned towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n), It's okay. I'll eat it, okay? Don't worry, you were right...I'll have to thank her when this is all over." He smiled sadly and retracted his hand, taking some of the soup.

You stirred your spoon in your food quietly. If she hadn't been there, what would've happened? Well, knowing Julian, he probably would've had himself hanged. He really didn't have the will to live...does he still want to...?

"(Y/n)?" You looked up and smiled innocently at him. "Mhm?" He set his empty bowl on the night stand and moved closer to you, taking your hand in his. You intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed it softly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You paused, thinking about it for a moment. He must've known this would come up in conversation at some point, right?
"Julian...do you want to die?" You asked quickly. He paused, making you worry, before eventually shaking his head and squeezing your hand tighter.

"No, no I don't want to die. At least...not anymore." He nodded at you, staring into your bright eyes. You smiled softly. "Yeah...I'm glad." He looked away before coming back to you. "You shouldn't have to worry about that (Y/n). Before, I really didn't have anything...But now I have you and Pasha, and Mazelinka. I can't just leave you all behind after everything."

You raised an eyebrow. "Can't? You could Julian...I appreciate that but I, I need you to tell me you want to live." You mumbled. He nodded and laughed nervously.

"I...Well, yes, I do want to live (Y/n). There's so much time I want to make up with Pasha and Mazelinka...but honestly, I want to live long enough to be with you (Y/n). That's what I want more than anything."

You grinned. "Thank you. That's what I want too." He smiled. "Yes, so don't be sad about that anymore, Love. You're too bright to have things like that darken your mood."

You smiled and slid off the bed, picking up his bowl and yours. "I'm going to go clean up, stay here and sleep. You'll be better in the morning." You were about to leave when Julian called out to you.

"Yes?" He leaned on his hand and raised an eyebrow at you. "You can't leave me all on my own, can you?" You rolled your eyes. "This is karma Julian! We can't make the same mistake twice." He sighed. "What if I promise not to kiss you? Hm?"

You laughed. "Can I really hold you to that? Whenever I say something like this and you promise to keep it G rated, I end up on top of you." He blushed madly, making you laugh again.

"I promise to sleep this time...please?" You shook your head and leaned against the doorframe. "...I'll be right back." He grinned and you rolled your eyes again. "You're too needy Julian!" You started to walk off, hearing him yell back a response. "I'm not needy! Well, no, I am somewhat...besides the point!" He fumbled for words and you were back before he could even try again.

You crawled in bed with him and kissed his nose before pulling the covers up over the two of you. "I think what you mean to say is, I love you." He blushed and looked away. "You're not wrong." You smiled and closed your eyes. "Don't worry, I love you too."

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