Groffsauce: Anthony!
Groffsauce: Anthony!?
Groffsauce: Anthony, answer me!!!!
OakSMASH: calm down, he's probably fucking Jasmine
Groffsauce: Well shit.
LilLeslie: y'all why tf am still I here?
Groffsauce: YoU'rE hErE cAuSe YoU'rE a PuSsY
LilLeslie: at least I can get pussy
DiggMyGrave: oooo
Groffsauce: bi-
DiggMyGrave: ye
OakSMASH: shut up Thotmas Jeffershit
DiggMyGrave: rude ass mother fucker
Chris: Language!
DiggMyGrave: are we just gonna ignore that fact that Chris just said "Language"?
Chris: Sorry